Well, all information looks like noise until you break the code.
-- Neal Stephenson, Snow Crash
Event, 2006
Acrylic/oil on canvas
120 x 100 cm / 47.24 x 39.37 in
Private collection / Germany
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The drawing:
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Event 2012-09-30
Pencil on paper
31 x 28.5 cm / 12.2 x 11.22 in
Private collection / Sweden

Fantastic; only reason I have not mentioned you on my #artzone thread is I mention you every week. Resteemed instead
Thank you @twirble!
The light, I'm pulled in by the light and shadow and then I want to stay to explore a world of floating magical orbs.
Thanks Donna!
juggling a lot of balls 😂- but it is late, I had a few drinks and can't think of anything smart or profound to say. Maybe it comes to me in my dreams ......
So awesome! And I happen to be currently re-reading Snow Crash (such a good book)!
Great! So I assume you also know Diamond Age!
Nice use of the light! Seems pretty realistic and detailed.
It's a ball game! Great idea, very simple, voluminous and impressive. Strange, but I liked more in black and white pencil.