If You Feel Difficult To Emigrate, Find Friends Who Are Able To Make You Want To Clean Up

in #artzone6 years ago


If You Feel Difficult To Emigrate, Find Friends Who Are Able To Make You Want To Clean Up

In this world we really need other people so that our business becomes easier and lighter, especially if it's about hijrah, it can't be if we're just alone.

We need to learn, we need motivation, we need direction to be able to fulfill the desires that have often greeted the heart.

For that, we must find a friend who is able to make us want to clean up, because migrating if alone will be very difficult and a sense of wanting to give up does not rule out the possibility of easy perch.

Look for a friend who is pious and pious, because hijrah can be easier with the presence of friends who are one goal

So for those of you who always find it difficult to start hijrah, find friends who are pious and pious.

Look for friends who are able to make you always intrigued to return to Him, because migrating can be easier with the presence of friends who are one goal.

Don't Forget To Continue To Pray, For Good Intention That Has Been Crossed In The Heart Can Be Realized Well

In addition, never forget to continue to pray to the regulator, so that good intentions that have crossed your heart can be realized properly.

Pray that the good wishes that are still difficult for you to do are never saturated to greet your heart, so that later in time you will really be truly returned to Him.

Ask God to Always Be Given the Opportunity to Meet Good People, So You Get Better

Ask God to always be given the opportunity to meet good people, with people who are one mind in seeking His pleasure, with people who are able to make you thirsty for His love.

So that being even better will be easily achieved, it will be easy for you to do even though the initial obstacles are very tormenting the heart.

Hijrah That Needs Friends, Because If You Are Forced Alone You Will Be Fast Bored and Difficult For Istiqamah

And why should you find friends who are in line when you want to improve to be better? because if forced alone then you will quickly get bored and difficult to istiqamah.

Moreover, the influence of friends is very strong, because that's why you have to really meet with those who are able to make you always want to return to the great creator.

In addition to asking for the determination of Hidayah, ask for it to always be met with people who are worship experts

Therefore, besides you ask for the determination of guidance in your heart, then also ask to always be met with people who are worshipers, people who are also thirsty for His love.

Indeed your way of God willing will no longer be hard and difficult if beside you there are already friends who always support you, and direct you on His way.