Keep experimenting and expanding your skill set. BTW: The pen and ink technique is NOT “stRippling;” there is no “r” in the word “stippling,” spelled” s-t-i-p-p-i-n-g.
“Stripling” (one “p”) is an archaic term for a young boy. “Stippling” is an pen and ink drawing technique using dots or specks to mark out the details of the drawing.
:D omg I've read it incorrectly and been using it ever since. Thanks for letting me know!!
Posted using Partiko Android
Hey, no worries. We’ve all been there. I misspelled the word “guard” throughout an entire creative writing assignment until my classmate (with whom I was exchanging copyediting on our papers) pointed out that it was g-u-a-r-d and not “gaurd.” The thing was, it was in college – well beyond the time when I should have known how to spell such a simple and common word. I was mortified! I was also grateful she caught the error because the word appeared in the assignment more than two dozen times – that many errors would have gotten me a failing grade!
I still cringe when I remember it, though. LOL
Ouch! Good thing she did catch the error! Thanks for sharing 😊
Posted using Partiko Android