Hi Steemtribe,
While I love visionary art and pop surrealism as my main style. I also have an affinity for steampunk, and sometimes I can't help but give in to that little nagger that sits on my shoulder and whines about how long since it's been that I created something punky.
So, I'd like to try something out. I had this idea this morning when I stumbled over this illustration of a steampunk bug I came up with several years ago. I'm not sure if there's a big enough fanbase for this here on Steemit, but I think it's worth a shot. The idea is to create a weekly steempunk post, and since I won't have the time to create a new piece of art for this every week, I'm gonna look for appropriate content on the web, crediting the original author of course, and maybe spice the artwork up with some special effects and simple animation. But, what I would like even better is to get submissions from the steemer community that I will curate on a weekly basis.
Again, I'm not sure if the demand is there but I give it a whirl and see if this can turn into a thing. I hope it will, because not only is the name Steemit practically begging for this but I also believe we can have a whole bunch of fun with this. Below is the first contribution, created by me and if anyone wants to see this continue and even evolve, please leave a comment and of course resteem it to get the word out.
Cheers and have a good Sunday!

This is awesome. I fully support a weekly steampunk post and you can count on me for my underwhelming 8 cent upvote. Plus the pun is just too irresistible.
I have another protip for you: if you post stuff on here first (before it goes on your site or social media) then it'll be eligible for all sorts of curation initiatives and rewards. Most of them require that art is original to the site. That doesn't mean that you can't post stuff to your other sites or blogs later, but you'll want to wait a bit. I'm not sure if there's a specific time duration (if it just has to be time stamped later, or if it has to be past payout, or whatever--I can check). The animations are all Steemit-first though, right?
Thank you very much M'am :-D glad you dig. Thanks for the tip, I think it's pretty unrealistic for them to demand that art is original to the site though. They expect people to spend their time creating artwork and potentially not make a lousy penny? I can only imagine the quality of the art that comes out of this. But you're right, the animations are steemit first.
So what do you mean by 8 cent upvote? How do you know it's 8 cent, does this depend on your what they call steempower or can you determine the amount? Does this go out of your account when you upvote something?
By the way, I did sign up for discord but haven't found out how to add you yet. It asks for a special invitation code thingy. Shit's all greek to me still.
Ahh..that's great. I've always liked Steampunk but this takes the biscuit. :)
Haha, thanks mate, glad you like that stuff. And best of thanks again for resteeming it!
Your Welcome
This is great! Keep it coming!
Haha, thank you. With this onslaught of responses, how can I resist?