On one occasion when innovations introduced to journalists. All journalists came when Edison was ready to take the boy to fire his employees. The boy came to the corner, I tripped and the lights All this was a labor of several Edison lamps. But this boy has pleaded not going to ... journalists. He will be invited back after the newly replicated.
Because of its ability to heedlessly boys ... This is what I fear, too. Edison has to repeat the whole time to go after it too ... for months. After all, when journalists ထပ်မံဖိတ်ခေါ် time. When reporters arrived ready to take his former boy asked to go again .... I became boy is happy to take care of properly. After the press launch, when a reporter asked some. "Mr. Edison ... you take a break, because the boy was once a hotel lights at the teacher ... You've been going out of other people ask why anyone ask why ... This time, I do not take a lot of time to go again, do not worry ..." I asked how.
So Edison was decided ... "I deliberately did not I ask him ... The lamp is made to collide, I ... This time, however, if anyone asked hearts will be broken down here," he replied.
##Heart is very tender ... simply shattered heart can not be set to remedial ... just anybody who's in the heart and shattered .........
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