I can honestly say that you are one of the sunniest Steemians I have encountered so far. It is heading for midnight here in the UK and I had a 12 hour shift today so go easy on sunniest, It was the best word my brain could pickout of the theosaurus in my mind, (I only have access to the need-more-sleep-edition, right now.)
When I first saw your discord alert about the 2 week hiatus I gave a sharp intake of breath...Then I read on and made a kind of Dooohawwww kind of sound...I hope you are pleased with yourself, that is so not cool for a dude...And a British one at that...My bowler hat almost fell off!!!
Now is probably the worst time to write this, but I am always so busy I keep worrying I will forget, (so sleepy nonsensical ramblings it is.) I just want to congratulate you and Shai on what must be an uber-exciting time. I am so pleased for you both. Lately I only hear bad news and this is welcome respite indeed.
Of all the adventures you have had...There has been many, for anyone reading who fancies scrolling back to Erin's introduction post. Parenthood is the greatest, the most joyous, the most infuriating and the most...uhm..."The most!"
You and Shai have the greatest outlook and an unconventional quirkiness about you, (Its a compliment...Just go with it!) That little boy is gonna be given the greatest life, a whole lot of love and the most amazing view on life. Congratulations and buckle in, those 80 jumps have nothing on this, haha :D
I like sunniest lol.. Made me smile even if it is overtired ramblings of a British man lol..
It is that for sure, we have had some ups and downs already but given we took the little man from everything he has ever known, he is doing very well, he is currently asleep on Shai which is why I have two seconds to pull together a post and respond to some of the awesome outstanding comments.
Thank you, we both appreciate that, we are a bit quirky and I am impressed you can gather that from our posts to date, we often talk about how if he takes in any of our personalities he's going to be one quicky kid or just think we are freaks but either way will work, laugh with or at us, we don't mind so long as you are laughing and having a good time.
Thanks for taking the time to comment even after your 12 hours shift. I should get back to it now and do with a READ me ASAP as the other one is about to expire. Bloody 7 day rule... who came up with that. lol..