
Thank you ,you have a great heart .you keep it up and don't forget the update .
Thank you for supporting the minnows .
We could use your help at the Greaters Guild , invite is above the logo. It's a win win helping people ,but I don't have to tell you that .

I am actually on Greeters Guild discord, I am a greeter to newbies on this platform. Though I don't engage so much in their conversations. I just read most of the time.
Yeah, I have been greeting a lot of newbies and gave them our discord invitation link but it seems that the link isn't right. It this the permanent invitation link to our discord? All of those people I have invited didn't show up on our discord. Hahaha

tag me later in the room I'll show you the trick I have to use in order to make it work . I have found where it doesn't work properly many times

I'll go there now to ask you. I'm really curious about that trick.

did you get it answered
were doing it now