🦋 Featuring ~ Kara Schallock ~ Having received training in many modalities, Kara offers practical guidance for those awakening to their Authentic Selves. Helping others connect with their Soul through Soul Transmissions and guidance into stepping fully into our Authentic Self.
"I share what Soul guides me to share about every two weeks. I don’t consider this channeling, for my Soul and I are One. The Ascension Notes include the latest energies and each word carries high dimensional energy that flow into you as you read, helping you during this time of Transformation. The Notes are very grounding and practical. They are your potential and the information is not to be stuck in your intellect, but felt in your Heart." ~ Kara
đź’“ This narration was produced independently with love, by Receiving Love -https://steemit.com/@receivinglove
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So much activation has been occurring! This activation is ongoing and propels us to keep shifting, making those changes that bring us to a place of definitely not recognizing ourselves. We have deepened and expanded into our Light Bodies, continuing to merge our Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine into alignment with Wholeness. This raises our consciousness to a higher expression so that our lives shift to match it. Our brains are remapping themselves, which further helps us disengage from the 3D world. This alignment and disengagement continues for a while. Meanwhile, if you find yourself blaming or giving credit to something or someone outside of yourself, please do let that go. Only you create the world in which you live. Source is within and is your Power Source.
Besides making conscious choices that are positive and create your next steps, spend time in your inner sanctuary; whether that is in your Heart, High Heart or Pineal Chakra. My own sanctuary is within my Pineal, where Archangel Michael (an aspect of me. By the way, he mentioned that he does not care for the way humans lump him into one aspect; mostly that of protector; he is much more than that. He is multidimensional and he not only protects, he soothes; he does this with Warrior energy) awaits me. He once told me he is christed. The Christ only means master, mastery of the lower dimensions of 3D duality. I am comforted by him (as me) while so much is going on. Let yourself be guided as to which chakra is your sanctuary. If you are guided to your Heart Chakra, find the 3-Fold Flame within. The colors may be blue, gold and pink. Blue symbolizes your Divine Child/Holy Spirit , which holds the Oneness of the Divine Feminine (pink) and the Divine Masculine (gold). The Divine Child holds many other Soul Essences, which help you in many ways. The High Heart holds Joy and its color is aquamarine and the Pineal is the distributor of high dimensional energies; its color is a deep purple-blue. Of course, this is simply a guide for you, as you may intuit different colors and different aspects. Let it be what it is without projecting what you desire.
A sanctuary is a beautiful space when you feel challenged, even though every challenge has a gift of Awareness within it. Being in one's sanctuary helps you go deeper into the challenge, helps you be strong and resilient and non-attached to the challenge. You can listen to your guidance (Soul) within your sanctuary. Realize that challenges are actually opportunities, for one thing they do is to help you connect with your Knowing...if you are willing to accept and not just react to the surface event. Without complaining or feeling sorry for yourself, ask “What is my deepest learning here?” For me, it helps to write, for I know that the Truth will reveal itself to me.
We are all evolving rather quickly. If you feel out of control, it's because you are. There is no normal and certainly the old normal has clearly disintegrated. This requires you to be brave, for nothing is the same as it was. There is no predictability and the only way to navigate is to trust and when offered a choice, feel into it. It is not a time to wait for something to happen; we must make a choice based on our heart/Soul's guidance. Be patient, for a choice of the Heart is in no hurry. If things seem slow, let them be slow. This is so different from the old “push push push” and “do do do.”
If you experience tension or another experience around your throat, neck or head, realize that your channel for Light is expanding and your Soul Voice is becoming stronger. This is not the intellect becoming stronger and yet it may also be a dissolution of the old voices in your head. Be flexible and accepting if this is occurring for you. We are expanding to new perspectives, which means our consciousness is expanding. When consciousness expands, life does too. You may choose to live your life differently than you have lived it in the past. Perhaps consider that you have a new role in life, relationships and work. If you don't know what that is, it will evolve and seemingly in a moment, you will have a big “Aha!”
Nothing is outside of you; you create all in your life including your beliefs and perceptions. These shift as you do. When you sense you need something, realize that you have the Power to manifest it. How can you receive Love if you do not love yourself? How can you expect someone to care for you if you do not care for yourself? How can others accept and value you if that energy is not within you? How can you love another if you do not love yourself? When you shift the attention to you, you will be amazed at the miracles and blessings you attract.
We continuously receive high dimensional frequencies that reach deep into our cells. Our sun is helping with this, as dimensional energies are accentuated by him, as he receives them first. Sun Gazing helps us receive downloads more easily, as does Earthing. Earthing connects us to Earth so that we may receive from Gaia. Doing both of these helps us ground Heaven to Earth through us. Let go of old thoughts and patterns, for they are transforming and old obstacles are dissolving. Not only is our sun helping in this, we create it by our Willingness to be a part of all of this Shift/Ascension/Transformation. Our lower chakras are also being upgraded, as is our DNA. When we listen to our body's voice and honor what we are feeling in a physical sense, we relax into the downloads we are receiving. Our physical bodies are absorbing our Lightbodies and as this occurs, there can be some phenomena we experience like food sensitivities, tiredness, back pain, along with others. Practice Earthing, Sun Gazing and meditate. Drink pure water (if you add lemon to your water, you conduct energy; thereby becoming a conduit for the high dimensional energetic downloads). Your body will let you know when it needs to be hydrated.
We continue to awaken. Awakening does not happen all at once; it, like Ascension, is ongoing. As we continue to awaken to Truth, we become lighter, as our Lightbodies merge with our more dense bodies. We awaken to Truth, seeing very clearly what lies the 3D old matrix tried to control us with. As we disengage from the old, we see Beauty everywhere; we feel Beauty everywhere; especially in ourselves. As we flow, rather than follow, we awaken more. We are becoming more and more Love.
Often I have mentioned to stay positive, as being positive in all you feel, think and do keeps your vibration high. Thoughts like fear, jealousy, dependency, anger and more keep your consciousness and vibration low, while feelings (Soul Essences) such as Love, Sovereignty, Independence, Truth, Trust, Patience, Joy and more keep your consciousness and vibration very high. Soul Essences are aspects of Soul, and since you are Soul, these essences are a part of you.
Using words or being silent: what is the highest path to express? When someone is confronting you, it is best not to jump into the drama; after all, it is their story and not yours. Go within instead and stay in your Center of Love. When using words, let them be loving and kind. You need not defend yourself; just be true to you. It is not about winning; it's about loving. May all your words be ones that project Love; may they uplift you and all others. Words are energy; what energy do you project? Surely you attract what you project.
Source - http://www.soulsticerising.com/Newsletter.aspx?ArticleID=299
Audio is Copyright © Receiving Love
Writer's Copyright: Feel free to share any portion of the Ascension Notes. I would appreciate being credited. http://www.soulsticerising.com
Images are sourced via Pixabay - http://pixabay.com/
Intro Music is 'Crystal Caves in the Mountain' - by TeknoAXE: Matthew Huffaker: CC by 4.0
Outro Music is 'The Bluest Star' - by The 126ers: CC0
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