
in #ascension7 years ago (edited)

The Matrix is an etheric control system used on Earth Prime to control the human race. The original structure was put in over 26,000 years before the old Atlantis destroyed itself. Using Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) as the command mechanism it is operated in defiance of the Divine Creator’s free will clause.

With the Matrix controlling the terms of reincarnation on Earth Prime, deciding who your soul guides are, subverting your Divinely given free will, doing their best to muscle the Divine Creator (Source) out of the picture implies we are not living on a Divinely oriented world. As for those who are walk-ins, unless you are directly connected to Source your judgment is being corrupted by the Matrix. It’s what the Matrix does, control people.

“Continuing in support of the matrix is humanity’s secret government, a variety of ET races, a plethora of mind and spirit control technologies (beamed from places such as the Moon, Mars and Saturn), and a virtual army of non-physical agents including our personal guides, the angels and archangels, the ascended masters and the god of religions who makes the false claim of being Source, the creator of all that is.” John @Freedom4humanity The Summer Solstice – Exiting the Matrix

Since a solar (quantum} flash is expected when the Divine Creator (Source) deems we are ready, the Matrix and all A.I. command protocols will be dissolved similar to an electromagnetic pulse destroying electronic equipment globally. Since the source of the Matrix is known to groups fighting the Illuminati (Cabal or Deep State) the fact there hasn’t been a military response to these locations indicates two possibilities. One, these sites are heavily guarded to the point that direct military action is deemed futile or second, if these sites are taken down prematurely it may cause more harm than good. Imagine the Matrix powering down suddenly and people feeling like a great weight has been lifted from their shoulders.

Sounds good, yet remember the increasing energies that have been saturating our solar system as well as Earth Prime. These energies are programmed to increase our vibrations in preparation for Ascension. People have been responding differently to these increased vibrations. Positive people have gotten more positive, yet negative people have been getting more negative. Imagine the control protocols being suddenly removed and negative people who are violently inclined starting to act out. We are talking about tens of millions of humans globally. Many individuals and groups are content to wait until the Divine Creator (Source) triggers the solar (quantum) flash and the Event may transpire.

The Event is a precursor to Ascension with these two events taking place years apart. The Event will start the arrest of the Illuminati and major reconstruction of Earth Prime while Ascension will transform spiritually ready humans to 5th density human. Humans going from 3rd density to 4th density are expected prior to Ascension. Those who are not spiritually ready for Ascension will migrate to other worlds at the time of Ascension.

Golden Tree - STM - Final.jpg