In defense of the Asgardian Constitution (Preamble)

in #asgardia7 years ago

A Defense of the Constitution of Asgardia, The First Nation In Space


 We, the people of planet Earth, irrespective of our place of birth, residence, language, gender, race, nationality, religion or citizenship of the existing Earth states, use our free choice, will and conviction, in the desire to: unite the future humanity as transethnic, transnational, transreligious, ethical, fair, peaceful, looking into the infinite Universe, based on equality and dignity of every human being; resolve differences, conflicts, inequality and imperfections in human history, bring spiritual and scientific practices and human creative achievements to a new level in all their civilizational and cultural multitude, and launch a new era in the history of space humanity; based on the Declaration of Unity of Asgardia as an integral part of this Constitution; have founded Asgardia, the first in human history Space Kingdom, and hereby adopt this Constitution of Asgardia. 

Response (Preamble)

There is only one word and one omission I have hang ups about here.

 First, the word 'kingdom,' though not inherently evil, evokes a history of tyrannical heads of state vulnerable to isolation from  (or just apathy for) the struggles of the Common People. Further more, despite having a (currently but subject to change) self appointed head of state, Asgardian government is comprised of 11 ministries (may expand to 12) and a global parliament. My city has three representatives and it is by no means a large city. Asgardia is a democratic republic.

Second, the omission of sexual identity. LGBTQA+ throughout history have endured (ARE ENDURING) heinous injustices and to not explicitly list such an inclusion is the subtlest of fuck you's to the community. Perhaps this omission is simply an honest oversight but I find it to be egregious.

Beyond these issues I am overwhelmed with hope. I am reminded of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights and the constitutions of international labor unions  which share the global vision of inclusion, fair treatment, and elevation of all (pun intended). Almost 90k individuals have ratified this constitution (myself included). Knowing that this body, with these values, is dispersed and integrated into global affairs is affirming for me. I submit that holding the goals named above is an attribute of an honorable and brave heart. I am Asgardian. I am 90k strong. You can be too.