Jakarta - National Lifter, Dewi Safitri, will perform at her first Asian Games in August. He is ambitious to get a medal despite heavy competition.
Goddess is one of 11 lifter prepared PB PABBSI towards Asian Games 2018 Jakarta Palembang. He underwent preparations at the Mess Pamen Marines, at Jalan Kwini 2, Central Jakarta.
He has also undergone five tests prepared by PABBSI to see the progress of lifting each athlete. Including, the test held on Friday (5/11/2018).
From the test results, Dewi's performance is not surprising. He scored a total of 183 kg best in class 53 kg. With details, 76 kg snatch force and 107 clean and jerk forces.
This force is not much different from the fourth test in Lampung in April. The difference, in the number of snatch and clean and jerknya force, each 75 kg and 108 kg.
"If you look at the results of the test yesterday I am still lacking in the force of his snatch .. I still doubt when actually it could be more than that," said Dewi to detikSport.
Dewi confessed her doubts when picking up snatches because she was still traumatized by the incident at the 2012 National Sports Week and about her waist.
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