when somebody replys to a post and don’t up-vote it, get the poster rewarded again?

in #ask-steem8 years ago

when somebody replys to a post and don’t up-vote it, get the poster rewarded again?
I think it is fair the poster get rewarded again... Imagine a whole conversation start's and nobody get's rewarded....


If a comment gets upvoted, the parent post gets part of the rewards, 50% I believe. But comments without any rewards won't make the original poster any more than he already got for his post..

Seems not to be happening over at this post where I upvoted one of the comments but the original post shows no reward. Or does it take some time for that propagation to occur?

Personally I think any reply is sort of implicit upvote and should be recognized as such, but the systems is definitely complicated and there are a lot of considerations to it all, so I'm not going to second guess the design beyond stating my opinion.

If you go to steemd.com and look at the post in advanced mode, you'll see the following for original post, the parent:

Steemd payout screenshot

And then the comment that you voted for:

Steemd comment screenshot
As you can see, total pending payout value of 994. 413 Steem Dollars is double the amount of the comment, which is 497.206 Steem Dollars. It looks like the GUI at this point in time simply uses pending_payout_value instead of total_pending_payout_value minus the pending_payout_value of each comment.

on this post I see up votes for comments and $ but the parental post stays at $0.00

See fbsvk's reply to me in the comments here. Apparently it is being rewarded on the blockchain but not being displayed properly on the web site