Assuming that not every gravitational body possesses the properties of gravity (as magnetism in some metals), digging and after that burning a huge mass of 'únderground' (oil, gas, coal, etc.) continues and will continue. Under such conditions whether the Globe has become lighter relating the sun and its gravity gravitational forces applied on and across entire Solar system, estimating also the moon in this process of coupling vessels. So - how digging, suction inside and burning outside affect Earth's orbit?
° Did anyone know Nikola Tesla has ever spoken about this?
° None of this will affect anything else.
° The sun and earth will gradually separate each other.
° The sun and the earth will smoothly attract each other closer.
° Weight does not mean automatic gravity - so we have a problem.
° Weight does mean automatic gravity - so we have a problem.
° The sun repels the planets, so they never fall on it.