No, not those communities! I don't mean the Hive feature. I mean collections of humans.
Used to be you're pop into the Hive chat and you could talk to people and make connections. Many of my followers and those I follow are from Hive chat. But now it's dead. I'm still there, but few others are. I'm in the rocket chat, the Hive PeakD chat, a few of the "communities" chats related to the built-in chat, and a few Discords. They're almost all dead though.
And there's nowhere to do post promo. Which yeah, blah blah blah, people hate post promo, but it's actually a good thing to have people read your content. Whether or not they vote on it is up to them. And it really sucks when it feels like something you worked hard on isn't even being read. Like the horror story I wrote the other day that ended up being too long. (Shameless plug.)
I hate Discord, but I even am keeping Discord open, trying to find places to interact with people and try to build my Hive community.
It's not just about post rewards! I've even started enabling @commentrewarder on my posts, now that I know about it. And I could really use those rewards! I need to rebuild my "stack"/Hive account. 3%/5% really adds up! I'd almost rather just pay a bot to trail my votes on comments. Like @dustsweeper does, but for people I vote on. Until I can build my account back up to at least a penny or two upvote, my upvote is dust. So I gotta hope they use @dustsweeper too.
It's just so frustrating! Although this place doesn't feel dead, the "communities", in the sense of people gathering in like a chat or something, do.
Where am I supposed to go? Where do people go now? What chats or web sites are still active that allow people to interact and talk about Hive and share posts?

Group of zombies, shooting of the film Meat Market 3. This photo was taken during the shooting of the film and is not taken from the actual film.
Photo by Joel Friesen, taken 13 June 2006 (Source) (Source)
Used under Attribution 2.0 Generic License
Also asking if you know of any projects that can help with getting move views and interaction.
@geekpowered, I paid out 0.092 HIVE and 0.017 HBD to reward 2 comments in this discussion thread.
It does seem a bit more walking dead than usual, I agree. I am not sure why it is the way it is currently. Maybe it has something to do with the price of Hive or maybe folks have felt a bit discouraged by something. Regardless, the best we can do is try and do what we are missing ourselves. Like, if it is quiet everywhere, we can be the ones to go on peoples blogs and engage more ourselves. I am notorious about lack of commenting myself. I normally just lurk and read, cast my votes. I want to improve in this aspect.
I've been trying to be better about commenting myself. I've been gone so long and it's hard to get back into the habit.
I know things can be improved here, but I don't even know where to start. Somewhat debating just starting a community myself, but it's a lot of work, so I don't want to start it if I can't keep up.
Yup. I feel the same way. It is like - whaaat I need to poke my head out of my tiny bubble and interact with other huuumans? How do I even do that again?
That is also why I have not made a community. But maybe it would make me be around more. Something, something people motivate people, and make it more fun to interact, to create, and stuff. If my mumblings make any sense.
Yes, your mumblings make sense. That's part of why I was trying to look for something like a community chat.
We need more community here.