To continue with my "half-assed" asksteem posts and get some more discussions going, even though I realize Steemians aren't as active with this these these days I thought I'll just keep pushing more of them out for some time and you know, make the most out of the current economics until that may quickly change and certain curators go back to mainly curating. ;)
So with how Steem works, the blockchain that power social applications, and your past experiences of games, them being able to make use of the rewardpool, you being able to connect with other Steemians through them, etc, what kind of games do you believe would work well on Steem?
We've already seen some do pretty good such as Steem Monsters with their NFT concept of true ownership of the cards and being able to do what you want with them once they are yours such as sell them or rent them out. Other games that I guess were kind of cool but a bit oldschool such as drugwars and nextcolony, although they quickly get kind of boring I guess it's the classic beginner games of the "new internet" so to say.
Sidescrolling defense, something like Paladog or Lumberwhack
Easy on mobile, Hero starts on the left, mana fills up over time, tap a unit to generate that unit at your castle, at the cost of mana... Using existing Splinterlands resources would be fantastic.
It'd be a new way of dueling with our current cards :)
So random, love it. :D
I think the sort of speed puzzle games would be pretty cool. Something like Bejeweled Blitz. In those games, they're free to play, have competitive leaderboards with your friends and boosts that cost money. So you can spend some Steem to buy boosts to help you get to the top of the leaderboard, make shitposts with your highscore, and the game owner could use some of their SP to upvote people's posts. Especially the people at the top of the leaderboard. Maybe at the end of the day top 3 spots of the leaderboard get a 100% upvote.
this would be amazing because i could use a game with attributes like this as a proof of brain mechanic that created other digital assets.... made a few blogs about this.
As you know, I would like to have some FPS on here, even something rudimentary like the first instance of Ghost Recon with glitches cleaned up. The BC could register the replays for things like K/Ds and hit% and micro pay on those, take into considerations rankings, save replays and of course allow for betting and voting for bets where the game and players take a percentage. The entire game won't need to run on the blockchain because it is too slow at this point, but it could have key attributes that write onto it, or onto a side-chain. I reckon it would make for a pretty cool experience and open up a great deal of innovation.
Another nice thing about that is also that once your account is caught cheating that's it, and creating a new one will be harder and harder over time unless you're willing to pay for it.
Yep, screw hackers ;D
Monopoly. That would benefit from a high quality random number generator.
$rewarding 10 min 35%
Posted using Partiko iOS
I would like to see a Steem Monsters Chess game, or something along those lines. Basically, a game not developed by @aggroed's group, but utilizing Steem Monster blockchain assets.
It's good question. We have excellent examples like Splinterlands or several gambling games. But we still haven't shooters or something like this. Far cry based on the top of Steem blockchain it can become great milestone for develers and Steem blockchain.
Posted using Partiko Android
As a game developer and a user on STEEM these kinds of discussions are great. In my opinion STEEM could be used to replace most of the server side "cloud" API's to decentralize things like saved games, high-scores, achievements, etc. So any game could benefit. I'm going to be working on a game for this months Godot Wild Jam which should include some of my proof of concept STEEM Integration. As for what kind of games I would like to see... I think I would echo some of the other responses and say a good racing game or an FPS would be fun.
I actually programmed a working version of Cards Against Humanity. I used @smartasscards as the test account.
The @steemj wrapper I was using broke and I got quite discouraged... but I had even started making progress on an Android app.
CAH is the perfect game for Steem IMO because it's simple and social and if you make someone laugh they can tip you.
I like the beautiful picture of MengMeng! 😍 With some interesting fun story games! I think it's more eye-catching ... unfortunately, I haven't seen any here so far.😅thanks☺️
Posted using Partiko Android
Fighting browser game like old Street Fighter with 16 bit graphic 🤩
We can add some additions like: level / statistic, short "dungeons" like in Little Fighter.
Becouse it's "simple, undemanding, funny to play"
I think something simple and inclusive that’s easy to understand for everyone! I’d say a copy of candy crush we can just call it crypto crush and instead of candies we just use the different logos tribe tokens that we have on steem engine and users can win various tokens for their favourite tribe and Steem
You could run some ads to cover costs and bring some value into Steem or allow people redeem the tokens for upgrades and stuff! You know this gamification goes
I’m a fan of mine sweeper but I have no idea how they would make it blend with the system.
Posted using Partiko iOS
Can't believe no one has said it yet but obviously Minecraft as it is the most popular game once again thanks to Pewdiepie, it has overtaken Fortnite and is back at the number one spot. In my opinion a version of Minecraft would be perfect for any blockchain because it's basically already using blocks lol
I've been on Minecraft servers in the past that had bitcoin wallets integrated, the same could probably be done with steem!
Posted using Partiko iOS
Damn, now that would get attention to steem for sure!
Puzzle games and Chess, Scrabble sorts of games. This is because they spice learning
Posted using Partiko Android
This is what I was going to write! Scrabble <3 <3 <3
Awesome that I have a support on this.
Posted using Partiko Android
While Minecraft is a game that could be classified as a centralized game (I see, it has already been mentioned😅), it is possible to create servers with custom software that use decentralized structures.
Custom software could enable everything, like adding creative worlds to the game which allows to store the buildings that have been built directly to the blockchain to then view it. Viewing is not the only thing that could be done here on Steem, but also creating fun parkours, adventures or other little minigames could be built and then shared using custom software to be accessible on multiple servers that are running this custom software.
Why do I think that Minecraft could fit on Steem well?
In Minecraft, players create something new, content which can then be viewed by others is exactly what we already do here on Steem. Commenting these worlds, voting on them could create a trending page out of exciting worlds to visit or play.
While I really would have liked that there is a ready to use solution for this, there was nothing like that available, which is why I'm currently creating a solution here.
Of course, recreating Minecraft would be too much work, which is why I'm just adding a additional layer for blockchain storage on top.
I like that you keep asking even if it is half assed. :)
I've had an idea for an AR game like Pokemon GO but you mine your crypto IRL.
An added feature would be to let players deposit info/treasure at spots in the real world.
Then anyone can make a treasure hunt.
This is a four year old dream and unfortunately I just don't have the know how.
I did make some sweet AR gallery apps though.
i.e target one picture to get surrounding images that tell a story.
Platformers or tower defense. The games have been pretty simple so far, but hopefully more funding and interest will come in giving developers bigger budgets.
Fantasy Football would be awesome....with its own tokens and similar structure to or
Brawlhalla would be absolutely fun. It can allow up to 8 players at a time, could have competitions and is a really fun game.
the proposal of sports games of @michealb is sensational would be great with the same type of graphics.
I was really looking forward to @chibera but I dont know the current state of their project and I would also love an action rpg lotter like diablo where ever item is tradeable and unique :^)
I hope Steem will bring Farms simulation game here
Posted using Partiko Android
Board games are definitely my preferred games to be on the platform. And more strategy games!
Posted using Partiko iOS
I would like to be able to play a 3d chess game on steem and perhaps some word games such as scrabble and maybe a creative car racing game
Posted using Partiko Android
Bring back MapleStory! I miss that one :(
Simcity and Railroad Tycoon!