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RE: AskSteem: If you were to receive a massive delegation to aid the growth of Steem, what would you do?

in #asksteem6 years ago (edited)

Uh, just in case you haven't noticed, retard, I'm opposing every single vote, both up and down from @fulltimegeek. Everything he's flagging is still visible. Everything him and that cunt @lyndsaybowes is upvoting, I'm flagging. @friendsofgondor....yea, negating all of their votes as well.

Open your eyes halfwit.

Also, you act like the Canadian Cunt didn't create @beaniesanders trying to impersonate me. But again, you're too fucking retarded to see the big picture. Go back to sucking off @fulltimegeek. Next time maybe he'll ass fuck you dry. I hear you boys like that.

Keep trying. Your trolling sucks.


I never asked FTG for anything, his actions are entirely voluntary. My trolling sucks but I've succeeded in getting a reply and more stupid assumptions out of you. You flagged my Arkansauce post for no good reason other than association. You didn't get the message "Parks Closed" as in, I'm done with this stupid shit. Now I'm staying so grab your ankles; got your Vodka ready for ya. Want some O.J. with that?

Screenshot from 2019-02-05 13-49-44.png