Hey everyone!
Back with another AskSteemit, glad to see these are really popular and drive a great amount of discussion from Steemians all over the platform!
For me personally, I am really looking forward for all the imbalance in the world the decentralized r/evolution will fix. A good example of this is the difference of wealth distribution in a country compared to one on the other side of the planet. One person could be working earning $20 an hour while the other could be giving the same effort for $0,20 an hour, often even the same job. The imbalance is really ridiculously big valuing someones time over the other, just because they happen to have been born somewhere different.
I believe that the power of blockchain and being able to send transactions without middle-men and additional fees will be a big solution to this and slowly but surely re-balance our economy all over the world.
Another big part of it will be the effects of charities through blockchain transactions. Right now the biggest and most popular charity organizations take a big cut of the donations they receive, they might either need it to operate or take some for profit but needless to say that with a spreading technology soon people all over the world will be able to receive your donations directly to their cheap smartphones and use cryptocurrencies as their bank and wallets.
This will have a big influence on donators also, I know many have given up on trusting these big organizations with their donations, but knowing that another life on the other side of the planet will receive 100% of your donation and be able to instantly make use of it will change the way we perceive charity.
I am interested in its ability to add transparency to the government. The biggest way I feel this could help, kind of going a long with your charity idea, is the money that flows into the pockets of politicians. It can be extremely hard to figure out where that money came from.
I envision a day where all money going towards a campaign has to be put through a block chain that is transparent and the money can be followed where it is from. I also look forward to politicians themselves utilizing block chains. Perhaps for legislation, voting, or correspondences?
I think that there are possibilities that could be used when it comes to getting more out of our government. We should be able to see, for the most part, what our government does and be able to hold them responsible without them being able to censor and delete what they might have said or done.
I have some other ideas but that is probably what I am looking forward to. The only reason I state this over others is because I feel other ideas are already being taken seriously and they are being worked on. I feel this idea is kind of in the background and may not be as main stream of an idea. But I feel it could have massive effects in the lives of everyone, even those who do not pay attention to politics.
Being able to utilize an unchangeable platform that can be audited by everyone gives the ability to find out which politicians could be doing nefarious things behind the scenes. Even if you do not pay attention to politics, getting bad politicians out of office and bringing them to light helps everyone. While I am not sure it could completely get rid of all transparency issues, I feel it could definitely make a change.
They are too late to stop the snowball. Your hope will come true, although it make take some serious time because well have to wait for mass adoption first.
I do not currently own NEO (crypto) but I sense it is releasing a platform to fill this need. Have you reviewed NEO or do you see a crypto that setting the foundation for government improvement? (I almost send government replacement. BUT 1) it is not a revolution ... it is an evolution. 2) We are not violent but hoping to improve our society.
I think some kind of government may always be necessary; elections could be vastly improved with real time auditing with blockchain. But that's just one small aspect.
Gov in the future won't have to print money, and will find itself with vastly less to do, as automated distribution of tokens and various other algo replaces gov.
Including road planning perhaps.. but some things fix themselves, like flying cars.
Power to the People
Having no middle men is gold since those normally keep a nice share.
I also think it will help with wealth redistribution, which is something we desperately need... it is ridiculous the way the system is set up now, having a few heads controlling the world economy.
When you give power to the people, you support the real world, the working class, which has never been done. Thats why the blockchain is so revolutionary, it gives us mortals the hope for a better and fairer world.
Theres no need to keep supporting this shitty actual system where only a few get richer and richer every day, while in the poor countries people starve to death.
I hope it will achieve something that at the moment seems impossible: Stopping hunger. How? Like you said... with responsible and fair charity organizations that wont keep half of the cake for themselves.
Another key point is transparency, when your model is transparent as the blockchain is, there is little to no room for corruption and scams.
So to sum up... I think decentralization will make the world a much fairer place.
Freelancers stand up!
I am pumped because people who produce art, especially digitally, can finally get their due compensation for the things they produce! Maybe not for photographers so much, but I've got friends who illustrate, graphically design, and publish their own work like myself can be recognized on an individual basis for their contributions. Normally, small freelancers like myself don't see commission unless we land a big job, that would give us the financial freedom to expand and land those big jobs in the first place! It's a vicious cycle of lacking acknowledgement, at least until now.
Changes in "control". Smaller influence of politicians, banks and "monopolies" on our lives.
The consequence of people who could not have done it otherwise getting rich (or at least make a living) of crypto-money. New "rich class" is emerging, with different views than those considered "the rich class" today.
An exact example: the revolution of the video creator subculture that was started on Youtube back in the late 00's. Especially if some gamers can drag younger audience in.
The consequences of ultimate transparency. On most of the blockchain, there is no secret, but not because of privacy nightmare (like with Google) but because we give up the ability to actually delete comments and posts.
I think the ease of donating is incredible, thinking of victims of major disasters, the collections would be almost instantaneous, and best of all, no intermediary banks. @acidyo
Exactly, imagine losing your home but your phone can still be your wallet and you can ask help by going online and then instantly being able to spend your donations to shopowners that accept digital currencies.
It even seems utopian but it is a reality that will soon consolidate, that is beautiful! It's just to get the banks out of the way for humanity to thrive.
I love love love the ideas that are being tossed around in the comments here- wealth being more equally distributed, charities being improved, politics being more transparent, and creators getting their proper due. I'm excited about all of these things!
I also think that, as automation becomes more normal, that people are going to have to find other ways to make money- That we will start moving into an era of creation and innovation. People aren't paid to work so much as they are paid to make things, to entertain, to simply live. I think the blockchain is going to be the facilitator for this new era.
Lot of revolution was excited Block chain. Its doing big deal without any legacy fees, taxes or any other cost. big revolution for us doing any transactions doing with trade markets. Only need media smart app. Block chain still grow up it very reasonable profit. I feel it have massive effects in the lives of everyone. Other way need to provide Block chain system and increase the safety level because lot of scammers here an they can hack steemian own accounts immediately. If so do the needful for develop more security level transparency. I agree with your reasonable contents.
Upvoted Absolutely very good discussion post @acidyo.
Other one we can do cash on cashless transactions through use smart phones, tablets, laptops any apps.
Blockchain system change the world immediately.Very good article @acidyo. Some one earn 10$ per one hour someone earn 10$. It can be. Reason is The imbalance. Economically imbalance is really ridiculously big value. Its will be change the world.
The changes in my bank account. :P
But seriously, what you said: greater justice across the board.
and that one who earn 0.20$ will be sure that life is unjustice, not he is the reasom, everything but not him...)
I love what you are saying about charity donations, @acidyo. Fraudulent receivers will be an issue, but not necessarily anything different than what currently goes on in some cases of organized relief efforts. I'm sure that people will come up with ways to overcome these issues as we are empowered with ways to do it. Good article, and I love your melting the icons gif.
I am most excited about your first point. The wealth imbalance is so great especially in my country, Nigeria. With the decentralised revolution, Nigerians are becoming more independent and wealth is becoming more available to the masses.Hello @acidyo
Many projects have come to life from the revolution helping humanity and I hope it continues.
I am looking forward to see how the things will pick up for the charity parts! I think this playform is a GREAT place to have those things! Most people I met here are so willing to help out and not having a middle man where some money goes as well looks like a massive step forward!
Blockchain technology is the perfect idea for such endeavor.I like the divine idea @acidyo of donations being directly sent to the recipient thereby eliminating the middlemen which actually takes about 90% of their cut for processing, salaries of their employees, etc.
Transparency to the government AND to journalism. If all journalists have to show where they got their money from we would have a better idea to their bias. I like the fact we can see steemit upvotes and wallet balances.
A great post, thank you. I would have followed you by your GIF alone! You can probably tell from my name that I'm no fan of Google/YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and others.
I believe the blockchain can help to fix some of the horrible injustices in the world, and as you mentioned, that often exist solely because some had the misfortune of being born in a certain location. I didn't realize the amount of people that don't even have a bank account, but hopefully soon, even that won't matter.
I'm loving the blockchain technology, and the hope of a better future! I think Steemit is a perfect example of how we can change things, and not reply on corrupt governments, and criminal bankers to run/ruin our lives.
And there you have it. Spread the wealth, donate to causes without middlemen and commissions. I think it's a superb quote.
Nice quote!
Hmm you are right dude, but it would need some verification on the part of those who needs donations, so this is another hurdle may be. But yeah giving donations directly to those who deserves is really an awesome thing.
hi @acidyo
truly there are lot of imbalances in this world which we are still hoping for more possible solutions to. and i hope with time it will be solve.
we are in jet age world, things are now make easily especially with blockchain which now aid fast means of sending digital currency
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Keep it up!
All the best!
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I would say the capacity to create... in a free world.
I’m excited about the redistribution of wealth. This is so huge. The Decentralized revolution has the ability to bring so many people around the world out of poverty.
I feel that instead of the anonymous nature of the decentralized, there should be a total verification when sending and receiving the coins. In that way no one can fraud the system by verifying twice.
We need a section called "Questions"/"Help" besides "trending/hot" page where people will ask questions and experts will answer. Quality questions and answers will be rewarded in same steem-way.
Amazing articel
I think Steemit is a perfect example that decentralization doesn’t fix the imbalance and redistribution.
Yeah cause on all the other decentralized currencies you can earn a share without needing to invest, mine or buy them.
All I'm saying is I think no matter the system, the 1% will be the 1%.
Well since i am so new ti this world everythingcis new and exciting to me. Ask again in a short bit and ill probablt have something for ya. Thanks forcthe post....
This is the best part of this community about charities, helping peoples live changing to be a better world..
super & great.
Err, I'm really looking forward to when the website stops having glitch fits
As long as democracy does not come to a country, the topic you talk about will not go beyond imagination. you can send the money to the desired country at no cost, but you can not prevent it from going to the government. :(
I am interested in the blockchain bringing transparency to everything from contracts to governments. Not having to deal with the picky rules of each bank and how slowly everything is done even though it is via internet. Being able to realize an increase of a decent amount in crypto accounts rather than higher interest and inflation of the fiat currency.
My favorite is substrat, which will allow a decentralized internet to support a decentralized steem and BTC
Amazing articel
Nice, i like it the your post, thanks
Such a great post
Blockchain is a great solution to get free from the additional fees because of no middle man.
Blockchain have massive effects on life of everyone But we should care about our security because of lots of scammers.
So we need to be careful.
Transparency of blockchain will give a big hand to remove corruption..
The charity ideas really caught my eyes and I am very much looking forward to this !
very nice and interesting this post, I want to learn much from your post. thank you for the valuable experience and knowledge I got from your post@acidyo
The decentralization of everything mainly from the government itself, because not there will be corruption and a fairer way of balancing the distribution of income. There should be some charity with blockchain system on the issue of homeless people, for them to leave the street and have to feed themselves.
I am excited about the idea of saving on charities as well I saw a post about a steemit park and think it would be great to start a steemit post drive to raise funds for a steemit community garden here in south Florida. My future idea is to make a post on steemit to gain funds to try and create a community garden and put a big sign that says the garden was sponsored by steemit. That way we can see a positive effect on my neighborhood and people can see the power the decentralized revolution can bring to charity ideas.
All i need is a interface were all can easily transact and interract .
Another point is for there to be a day set aside to create an impact to the society through giving or any other means @acidyo
I am interested for artists from the world throughout to be able to easily make a living from here on out with their art :)
No more starving artists!
I can see a new era for creative people that feel the need to express themselves in art, music, comedy, theater, dance or any other typical pursuit that is undervalued by a consumerist society told who to worship by big TV, media, record companies and publishers.
I guess we are not sure what that might look like yet; but it seems to me it might be possible to leverage crowd funding with SMTs, and get each new production, album or release funded directly by those that are looking forward to seeing it.
After hearing Ned talk last night in SF, I think it makes sense that Steem could be a far superior option to Ethereum for ICO type sales in general.
I am more excited with the new distribution of wealth through block chain technology. As we can all see that the "Elites" are in charge of the "fiat" money and they keep pilling it up without spreading it to the world.
With blockchain technology I believe every body is now given the chance and opportunity to make it big regardless of their status.
I would like to see end to hate, hunger and conflicts (war) ...some people are just killing without conscience and they are backed by big governments. Refugees everywhere and people dying of hunger and diseases..while others are making millions weekly.
Thanks for your post, upped-always.
I commented on your former posts however my comments were lost hence why you didnt see it... due to bug
that caused posts visibility to be low. It affeced my latest post which outlined some solutions about the problem, feel free to see it and note the tips
thanks @acidyo for information
I am excited how it will change the current banking system because it needs a change which have never been done the banking system now is still the same like 100 years ago. And of course I am excited about how it will change the world in general there are so many sectors where it will work for a better outcome. Having no middle men can and will save so much money which can be used for better things this is a big point for me and the transparency is great as well which will lead to less corruption.
good reads here @acidyo, truly an interesting post , im excited about bringing more people in the community, helping the needy and people who have potential to show their talents, and speaking about charity works we would like to thank you for the full support for @steemph.cebu team who currently had our World food day :))
Steemit has a lot more to offer in helping the poorest, because in steemit we value and care for them . :))