AskSteemit: What are you doing during the holidays?

in #asksteemit7 years ago

Happy Holidays everyone!

Hope you're having a good and relaxing time, wherever in the world you might be right now. :)

I myself am mostly going to chill. On my way to my parents soon to eat some fancy dinner and then probably going to be gaming the rest of the night and entertaining myself. Although the markets are in full swings I decided to take a break from trading for now and watch all of this unfold, I do believe that the correction might be over by next week already and we should see some new heights by then again.

Now with @ocd also taking a christmas break I am probably going to try and spend some more time off Steem for a change and relax, been a few times this year where I've felt close to being burned out from too much activity on the platform and outside of it but related to Steem.

Been thinking about trying to post about something different during this time and see what my followers think of it. There is also one big project that I still have ongoing which I need to find the time to finish planning soon, might need to look for help with it when the time comes. It's great that there are more and more people joining the platform now which will surely increase the pace of development and adoption really soon.

I am looking forward to 2018 a lot and can't wait what it will mean for Steem and blockchain in general, I believe it is going to be a very exciting year!

What are you doing for the holidays, Steemians?

Leave a comment down below, in these #AskSteemit posts I reward good discussions more than usual.

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Merry Christmas @acidyo and I wish you happy and prosperous 2018.

I'm working. I volunteer in a non-profit organization that works against food waste. and because we don't have Christmas in here, I'm going to work.
But i'm going to chill a lot as well. there's nothing more fun than sitting with a cup of coffee when there's a massive rain.

Hope you'll enjoy your holiday Acidyo!

That's awesome!

Thanks, hope you have some time off as well!

Thank you! I was always wondering how is it like doing Christmas. Can you explain your feelings about it In a few words? I'll appreciate it.
Btw, don't post anything while you're on vacation, Just enjoy your time with the people you love

@yaird That's so sweet and generous of you! Hope life rewards you accordingly!

the best thing to do during holidays is to relax so i am doing just that

I actually met my wife on the 23rd of December five years ago so we are also celebrating our anniversary. As there is not a lot of Xmas atmosphere here we celebrated it by going to Shanghai and to stay there over the weekend. Like a romantic get away. Sometimes you don't have to go all that far to feel like you changed the environment and refreshed the point of view.

I can definitely understand that you have felt close to being burn out. It's important to take that seriously and sometimes just let it go . But that is easier said than done haha

Anyways ! I wish you an awesome Xmas with much joy and I thank you for all your support and for all the good work you are doing for the platform!

wow happy aniversary to both of you, have a good one even as you enjoy christmas

funny, me and my girlfriend's anniversary is December 22nd!!

@acidyo I can totally understand this, a break from steemit every once in a while is a good thing. Spend time with the family and have a good holiday break! You've earned it!

As always thanks for the content you create and can't wait to see your new projects!



I am currently snowed in from one snow storm that brought us about a foot of snow (30cm), and now they are forecasting another 30cm tomorrow! I loaded up on tasty foods so I am just going to relax and the enjoy some time off from work. I will most likely be posting on Steemit as well ;-)

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you @Acidyo. Thank you again for everything this year! #OCD

Oh wow, wish we had some snow here too, unfortunately doesn't look like it'll be a white christmas this year around.

Merry Xmas, mate!

I will stay relaxed and live my life as usual, this year's holiday is nothing special we will do, the economic downturn in the middle of this year makes all our year-end plans messed up, hope a little open when I am currently joining STEEMIT, but stay waiting for 2018, hope next year is a lucky year for STEEMIAN all over the World, and I will keep waiting for new surprises from you @acidyo

Happy holiday with your family @acidyo
we will also vacation with family, while waiting for new year 2018, hopefully steemit progress and develop.
thank you @acidyo already much petrified us from indonesia.

@acidyo Happy holidays man! Enjoy your family dinner tonight! I will spend my time with my parents as well! These days are about sharing precious moments with family and loved ones from my point of view!

Wish you and your loved ones health! Your health is your wealth!

Merry Christmas everyone!

Thank you, likewise! Merry Xmas! :)

enjoy your christmas family is important and spending time with them is a great way to enjoy the holidays

@acidyo, Merry Xmas to you sir...... I'm glad to inform you that I was very lucky man in this year because I was steemian .When I recognize you, Then I have met genius man in this platform.
We'll waiting next 2018 will be awesome and attractive looks in steemit. Cryptos high growing and then more trading and investment.
I'd like to enjoy with my family in this season.

Stay blessed. See you in next year with huge assistance!!!

happy holidays @acidyo! Hanging with @karensuestudios for the holidays :) She comes in tonight! Ive been waiting haha. We will prob relax, acro, steem, pole, maybe watch some movies and watch some taylor swift concert:) ENJOY yourself!!

Playing Starwars Battlefront II with my boy most of the day while wife is doing some cooking. Then we go over to my parents for Chinese food and presents and watch The Polar Express with Hot Chocolates when we go home. Then we spend all day Christmas after my son opens his presents at my wife's family's house.

Also giving my voting power a rest, to hopefully recover by the time it's all over.

Christmas here for me is all about eating and drinking. Might do a little travelling; that's a probability though! Generally the market now says relax! relax!! relax!!! Lol. Do show us what you up to. I might join in.

I am definitely gonna chill!! There will be so much chilling that people will mistake my house for a freezer :0)

Good idea on the markets. I am ignoring them till January

On my way to my parents soon to eat some fancy dinner

One of the best aspect of Christmas, that's the food although we can eat them whenever we like but on this festive day, it feels somewhat special, don't know about others but myself just cant explain the feeling.

Merry Christmas from Nigeria

Taking some time off Steemit sounds like the right thing to do for you if you have been feeling a bit burned out. Writing about other stuff than you have done is also a great idea as we often feel bored or stuck when doing the same things over and over again. I try to do some sorts of exercise, sport or whatever, which is a great way to get energized and NOT think about steemit. It doesn't really matter what people think, as long as you enjoy it. If they can feel that you're excited about it, you will draw people who feel likewise. I will spend time with my family, eating enormous amount of food, and probably go to a friends place later :)

@acidyo, This is a time to celebrate and help some desolate peoples. As me. Our country has 4 hours for happen Xmas. I'll hope after 10 hours early morning Xmas day I'll give some breakfast packets to desolate peoples here in my motherland. After I can really glad.
Anyway Merry Xmas toy you sir and all of Finland peoples.

We don't have christmas holidays here but i am celebrating christmas with 2 of my friends who are christian..
furthermore, i plan on bringing them to steemit too ;) lets hope i succeed...

These kind of discussions are more fruitful than the regular posts we all make.. lets take this opportunity to learn about different people from different countries..
good job @acidyo..

It's Christmas Eve, at our local church we are gathering a group of about 20 young people to go visit our most old church members and go sing some Christmas carols for them tonight. Best way to spend Christmas Eve. Here's a photo, this actually happened:

Merry Merry Christmas :) you have been already missed in the chat during these days! I hope you have been drinking and gaming all these days, since its legal now for you. :p looking forward to the new project unfolding! Xoxoxo

Ready to midnight from Le Chef at the Manor Philippines.

Merry Christmas for all steemians

We’re seeing Star Wars in 4dx on Christmas Eve. Merry Christmas!

Generally, in my holidays I am going with friends and riding bike all day long and visit most historical place thank's @acidyo

hi, nice to hear you are enjoying your holiday with your parents and gaming I will enjoy also spending time with my parents and a lot of sleep.

Lol nice deep sleeping mostly person have same hobby of sleeping

I'd like to relax and meditation with my lovely wife in Xmas day. What about you @acidyo.

However I wish you Happy Christmas to you!!!

Philippines whatever celebration it is there be a Karaoke Boom box outside street and of course family gatherings :) Happy Holidays :)

Happy holidays and enjoy your well deserved time off.

What are you doing for the holidays, Steemians?

Working ;(

Merry Christmas Acid! Yumm! Homemade dinner! :)

Oh of course games... :P Enjoy!

I'm spending time with family and complaining about the just above 0 Celsius rain that kind of puts me off from running which is far from ideal since in a month's time I'm going to compete in a race. The combinations of cold rain and mud makes for an interesting Christmas :)
Happy Holidays man, enjoy your time off steemit

Hmmm... what am I going to do... One thing for sure that I will be learning to draw! Probably won't help with my hands growing from the a...

Yeah, take your time, relax and enjoy your holidays, man! Merry Christmas!)

It is good to have a break sometimes, whatever it is the activity you are breaking from, even going slower with Steem activity can be good in order to achieve a balance. Good for you that you are doing this, and your parents will be happy to spend the holiday with you. Right now for me it's not so much activity going on, just staying with my cat which left me an hour ago, this is a photo of it from ~3 hours ago

my cat.jpg

Merry Christmas!

I told have any proper plan right now. But will be hanging out with friends and playing poker and getting drunk like hell.

playing cricket in my holidays .
thanks @acidyo

I will go on a small house in the black forest with some friends and we will do some party.


Merry Christmas!!🎊🎉🎀🎈🎄🎄🎁🎁🎁

Hello @acidyo. A big compliments of the season to you.
For me, I've set out to make my dad and younger ones happy this yuletide. I lost my mum at the beginning of the year, and it really hasn't been so easy for my dad and younger ones, without her.
So, I'm fixing my dad's car - been at it since Thursday. Its an old car, but I'm hoping to be done with fixing it by Tuesday the 26th.
I've already gotten lots of food stuff to keep everyone's mouth and stomach busy this Christmas. I'm just happy I could raise some funds to put a smile on their faces this period.
I miss my mum, I'm sad she couldn't be around this Christmas. But as we go through it, she'd surely be in our hearts.
As for next year, I'm equally optimistic like you @acidyo. I know steem and the block chain would blossom. I'm glad I am part of it, and I hope it gets to the height that transcends all our expectations. I'm positive that next year would be brighter for steem, steemit, SBD and the block chain technology.

I will be spending time with my precious family christmas day but as of the moment working before christmas.

Merry Christmas @acidyo! 🌲🎄🎊🎉🎇🎆 May we all remember where we once came from and may we all look ahead to the coming year with eyes wide open and full of cheer. ☺ 💚

Merry Christmas @acidyo 🌲

I am just watching Snowden :-D. I am officially the most boring person ever, Lol. Gonna meditate after a while, this winter is making me too lazy to do anything. :p

@acidyo Happy holidays man! One more thing, my birthday is also on 25th, Dec. I mostly spend my time and sharing precious moments with family and loved ones.

Wish you and your loved ones health! Your health is your wealth!

Merry Christmas everyone!

thank you for the wish
yeah right everyone wait a lots of for this holiday

Happy holiday @acidyo, 30th of December is my weeding anniversary 9 years of marriage God has been faithful. I and my hubby look unto God for better celebration this year. The past 8 years has been in struggling but i thank God for his faithfulness this year. I believe 30th December will be different in my home. Thanks so much. I dont mind if you can follow and upvote my post @iloegbunamagnes


Wish you a very Merry Christmas @acidyo!!🎄🎄🎉🎊🎈🎀🎀🎁🎁🎁

its good to take time out and relax and recharge, christmas is a great time to reconnect with family and friends, merry christmas to you and your family, i will be sharing with my family and having a barbecue for christmas

I'm spending time with family as well! Happy holiday man!

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