Yeah, that is actually my least favorite of his works. It was his first and he was trying to be way too tolkien-esque. The others are historical fantasy, though generally light on the fantasy (other than Tigana)
You obviously dont have a problem with bigger series if you read malazan or are starting stormlight, have you tried the First Law trilogy by Joe Abercrombie?
Yeah I remember having some problems with it. Things that didn't make sense.
I love big series. The Chronicles of Amber is huge and so is Malazan. That's funny you ask. I had just finished reading the First Law trilogy when I wrote this post. I went into it and really enjoyed it but by the end I was a little shocked. It's not your typical series that's for damn sure. Not really much of a happy ending.
Have you read the follow ups? There are 3 stand alone novels that continue the story and give you a little resolution on a few of the characters at least.
Follow ups to the First Law Trilogy or The Fionavar Tapestry?
The first law trilogy. There are 3 follow up novels set after the timeline in the original. Best Served Cold, Heroes, and Red Country all are set like 7ish years after one another and are in the same world. Heroes and Red Country both give you more info on some characters from the first trilogy.
I had no idea. I'd like a little closure so I'll look into them. Thanks!
Well, you arent getting closure with the first one... the 2nd one you get more info on some people. The third one, Red Country, you may at least get a little of what you want.