How do you listen to music?

in #asksteemit7 years ago

Music is an important part of my life. It helps me reconcile emotion, helps me celebrate; and brings me joy. It is the best sort of medicine, taken at least daily. When I ask how you listen to music I've got a few questions – What equipment connects you to your favorite artists, and what are your listening habits?


Headphones are my preferred mode for experiencing music, and I have many pairs. The oldest, I've had throughout my university days, and they're nearly ten years old. They are purple, and I wore them on the bus every single day. They are the Audio Tecnicha ATH 700, and continue a service in the lounge room for quiet console gaming or watching a TV show when I don't want to disturb my better half.

Most recently, I've been thoroughly enjoying my Plantronics Backbeat Pro 2, a wireless set, which when used with my phone or PC, deliver deep bass, distraction free reveries and dirges thanks to the noise cancelling. They were incredible on a recent work trip.

Then there's my final set of headphones; The Audio Technica ATH 900, a model up from my old purple cans. These are permanently plugged into my gaming PC, and deliver loud, clear everythings.

I prefer headphones over speakers because to me, music is an intimate, solitary experience, where I get the opportunity to connect with someone's story entirely. It would come then as no surprise, that as profound my experience with music; that I listen to one artist for a prolonged period of time, studying their work, appreciating the depth of their catalogue; and understanding their creative process.

I'll listen to a band for 6 months straight. Sometimes the one album, sometimes a collection. Usually, in the order it was on the album. Sometimes, six months isn’t enough. It depends on the artist. I have a fairly broad musical taste, but if I had to name a top five, it would be:

  • Epica
  • Garbage
  • Machinehead
  • Nothingface
  • Florence and The Machine

These are all artists that have been able to captivate me for months on end, sometimes with a single album; in the case of Skeletons by Nothingface. I've not yet seen Florence and The Machine live, but it will happen.

So for me, I listen to music via headphones mainly, to a single artist for an extended period of time, and like to explore an artist's entire repertoire. I rarely venture into random; and get impatient with “new” or “this band sounds like x”.

What about you, Steemit?


I love just buying one album and listening for an entire month whilst walking. It reminds me of the days when buying an album was an actual trip into the city centre, looking through hundreds and selecting one. I tend to appreciate albums more this way.

You get more and more out of a piece the more time you spend with it. I still pick up new layers in a lot of music that Ive heard 60 or 70 times before.

Its wonderful to just stop and hear the layers.

At home, I tend to listen to music loudly and freely throughout the house. Easy to do when you don't have a partner or housemates to think about. I actually have several headphones - some older Sony cans that are comfy as hell, a pair of those shiny red Sony over-ear cans, and a pair of overear ones that are similar, but really fucking uncomfortable.

I don't actually like cans for convenience or comfort, because when you need to take them off, you either have cans wedged under your chin, or have to take them off and deal with the cabling. Storing them away is a pain in the arse as well. So I prefer my old Sennheiser earbuds, since they're convenient, sound decent, and can be shoved in your pocket.

As for genres, my #musicmonday posts should be giving you an idea of my favourites, though I love good music, not particular genres. I could be listening to rockabilly one day, hip hop the next, and dark country the day after - whatever my mood strikes.

I got a set of wireless earphones recently , good to go to sleep with, as they don't get in the way, been listening to a couple sweet songs lately...kill devil hills - drinking too much and Paddy McHugh - Dan O'halloran, check em out

I like the concept of a bluetooth headphone beanie. They would be great for winter.

I used to listen to music until I would fall asleep, now I just don't really sleep!

I was planning on getting some cans from Kokoon, before I lost muh job. They're over-ear, noise-cancelling cans that are designed with a low-profile, cushioned cup specifically for comfort when sleeping, even on your side. They also have an EEG sensor built in, so they play music or white noise, scanning your brain and lowering the volume as you fall asleep. They also do the opposite, playing music when you get to the lightest part of your sleep cycle as you near your chosen wake-up time.

Nice post! I have my favorites and go to genre, but at times I experiment and play random music.

Motivation for me

I love putting on music on my music box and sing along while I dance and just wonder around my house. But also for my study I just sit in a classroom and listen and afterwards we talk about it. If I am listening in the train or bus it is with a headset and then I like to think of performing scenarios or movie scenes where the music will fit in. So it is a way to turn on my imagination :)

I love everything from Taylor Swift to Tool.
But alphabetically, so that's not a lot.

Headphones of course! Nothing quite compares! Don't quite know the specs till I take a look at them, but they're oldies


I'm not enough of an audiophile to have so many headphones :D I have one reasonably decent pair which only really comes on if I need to not bother other people or if I need to shut things out (it's supposed to be noise cancelling but that apparently works for everyone but me). I can't keep them on for long though so it's usually speakers.


What an interesting read!

I agree with and practice the idea that music is a very personal experience so a pair of headphones would do to enjoy your favorite tunes. Still, I'm no stranger to blasting music (loudly enough without having the neighbors complain) when alone in the apartment and just dancing to it. This, however, would be a song with a solid bass line, and good drums - whatever keeps the beat going! The genre may vary, but I've noticed that songs with good, regular beats keep me in a good mood.

Another thing is listening to music outside on my phone (and once upon a time on my MP3 player). Headphones rule here, but the smaller the better (earbuds are a definite YES for me). There are days when I can walk (at least halfway) to or from work, so I'd put on some songs with good regular beats that can put a spring to my step and that set up the pace of my walk.

As for whole albums, I'll give an album a whirl once or twice, but I'll definitely have favorites by the third listen, so I'll start skipping songs. An exception to this would be those Greatest Hits compilations, where I'd rarely skip a song. Regarding how long I'd listen to an album, that really depends on my mood. I haven't noticed that I have a time limit in mind, but if I like it, I would listen to it any chance I get (mood permitting).

I'm a sucker for cover versions, especially ones done will fewer instruments than the original, or in a change of style (think PostModern Jukebox), or just anything that makes the meaning of the song different somehow (think 'Jolene' sung by Jack White).

Thanks again, @holoz0r, for the fun article, it made me think about how I listen to music, and I might rework this comment into a longer post (posts even?)

Have an awesome day