Thanks for taking the time to post such a big comment. I did read it also.
Soon the"good post" comments will be a thing of the past.
Maybe it worked at first and people would actually upvote that type of thing, but it's gonna get difficult for them when the vote turn to flag.
Then people with a brain and actual ideas might come forward.
I agree. I feel bad for the new non english speakers who are meaning well though when they say that. I don't upvote those very often either way because usually, it's spam city!
I also think that the way things show up in the feed is a little out of touch and impacts participation. I miss most of the best posts to engage with because I may not be on when a good one floats across my feed.
Thanks for reading my long comment! hahaha Maybe brains will be the wave of the future?! Or maybe it's just wishful thinking....

One way to get the good posts is to clean up the users you follow regularly. I still follow too much and may change that soon enough.