Steeemit has its issues and some people are abusing it, as I heard.. I am just scared that some wrong people will ocme to steemit and ruin it that much that people will leave and no one would want to invest... I just hope that "people" factor is not going to happen here..
I would bet also on DLive. Why? Because, gaming industry is one of the biggest in the world and so far, dlive is on a great path to become the best app to bring people here. Also, that gifting feature is making anyone dolphin/orca/whale. So IF you REALLY want to support anyone and your vote is small, you can do it by gifting as much as you can.
My goal here ie to be "big" as you and support people woth my upvote. As for now, I am using that gifting feature to show support as much as my real life and steemwallet lets me do it. So this is one thing that is baiting people that really wanta to support others..
Another platform that is already here is @vimm. It is also like dlive and you can also send gifts here. It's a newly platform so there are not many streamers there, but in believe in time there will be a lot of people there also...
The win-win-win situation would be that vimm got a big delegation like dlive and starts to upvote their streamers. That will be seen by others and then people will join vimm.
That way we're going tp have powerfull vimm and dlive that will have to "fight" for their streamers. And, I believe that would be winning situation for Steemit platform, dlive, vimm and streamers...
Since on Steemit, I am amazed by this community but I am in a big fear that "few big" people will come and ruin it, because I already see things that are being done. And, I am talking about those things that are slowing down or disabling development of Steemit/Steem..
Still, I am new here so probably, I said some stupid things but that's how I feel and I really don't want this platform to get ruined
I hope we will find a way to develop together and not to have "politican mentality" where you need to destroy somebody to raise yourself.
Have a great day brah. See ya on top ;)