Just sold 700+ STeem worth of ASS! Thank you steem engine market! We need to sell another 1000 steem so we can do EOS EX for ASS token! So close!

in #ass5 years ago (edited)

image.pngJust sold 2.87 million ASS for over 700 Steem, which will be 100% invested into paying for EOS ASS token deployment by steem engine @privex gateway with @someguy123 so that we can be closer to the EOS token Adult Services System Dapp network that will start with one dapp, crowdfunded by developers wishing to help create a beefed up steem engine tribe complete with the power of the oes investor community.

So I was thinking of a very simple way to use existing age verification systems of nightclubs, bars, hookah lunges in the USA and licenses tobacco dealers who can simply SELL a $1 or $5 age verification kit, that a user must use to verify their age but remain anonymous, however the person at the liquor store or gas station will simply be instructed to put the code in the customers phone and only in the specific app. And not let them actually leave with the code so they can't give it to an underaged userto post verified adult content.

I feel that asking the cashier to ONLY type in the codes themself could be done by a scanning of the code with QR code by the phone, so yes thats what we do.... we have it so the customer has to let the cashier take the app, open it up and scan it themselves and CHECK the profile and image and name on the ASS steem account IMAGE, and name, which cant be changed due to blockchain... there still some holes but simple printouts of QR codes and a QR code generator module in Andromo App Maker could be a very simple way to ensure you only sell these age verification codes and anyone who posts without them gets globally banned from the tribe. We can use delegation to also create a network of curators that promote the certification of users age locally as another option.

I feel the white paper IS the project for Steem's EOS ASS and we can really make this project shine if we work hard to make it a place for softcore porn, NSFW style reddit content

We can ALSO focus on Great photos of Ass and have Ass curators, with ass models, and pair the best ass models with brands to market for. I really see a lot of potential in the ASS market, because EOS community is VERY excited for an adult EOS project! https://t.me/eosass

And visit the SCOT TRIBE FRONT END ASSTOKEN.app https://AssToken.app

Purchas ASS tokens here and we are basically halfway to the goal of having JUSt enough for 1000 ENG + 30 EOS/ EOSP which is 1000 steem + Approx $110 so we need basically another 1000 steem and this 700 steem should be close to what we need to send to @someguy123 at @privex to pay to deploy and gateway the EOS ASS token on the new eos account that will be created assoneosio



Screen Shot 2019-11-12 at 5.32.56 PM.pngo.k., here's your 1000 steem @asshole! come n'get it! lol

Screen Shot 2019-11-12 at 5.37.00 PM.png


Why do I have to click reveal comment? Because you had a downvote?

Freaked me out for a second. lol

You didn't upvote your own comment?

His comment shows up fine on our AssToken.app Front End 😎😎 🍑💎₿

Soon to get Scatter node JS login buttons for the wallet page to show EOS ASS balances, or withdraws deposit buttons to EOS ASS from STEEM ASS, it will also pave way for the nitrous posts to auto post to eosio via a share2steem style system that @algocoder once made but which would connect to @bigbluewhale 's Discussions app :D

No i didn't upvote it yet! I usually try to get comments upvoted last minute. I can start delegating to my other accounts soon to solve that issue so it at least ungreys them out in some communities before the last minute! But yeah I get flagged all over!! No worries It's all cool, I got it under control! Thanks for the heads up! 🤞🤞🤞🤞

I guess this app must automatically grey out a comment if you have any downvotes.
Your comments have a positive balance but I still have to click reveal comment.

Yeah some communities actually don't allow self votes for comments, which is good. I've seen this a on handful now! I think the reason my comments get greyed here is the marky / buildawhale initial auto d:vote that set's it off with a tiny bit of ass he has, makes it grey! I Might have special comment block too, i dunno, doesn't bother me that much so I'm working on it by delegating to my voters!

I would like to see a token with full freedom, self voting, bots, delegations etc and also with advertising support.

It bothers me. If your comment has a positive value and is going to earn the tokens I dunno why it would be blocked out. That seems weird. At least you are earning tokens though and would come out well if the token rises much.

Yup, it's part of the new blocks. That's all they do is figure out new ways to spook us! lol

im actually talking to @eonwarped right now about placing the 3 M ass for reward pool into token distributor so no oen can touch them! then we will have a solid distribution plan for EOS ASS , u will need THIS TRIBE to issue new tokens. We will have a SOLID plan like APPICS and APX! We will even enable a staking pool maybe because people LOVE that.... I also need that for SAND :) staking pool could be huge.... staking your ASS tokens lol....

O.K. Sounds good. Will talk tomorrow! Thanks!!


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