I figured I'm a roll today writing why not write my first post to the ASS tribe . I'm not trying to be an ass in this post, but they do have a added tab I've never seen before called, "Proposals". Which is pretty cool.

here. Also, quick shilling I run Token Town discord where it has owners of just about every Tribe and Token in it stop on in here! Anywho, back to Asshole token. I currently own *50,000 ASS tokens STAKED so I'll have to see where I sit in the rankings. I want to be one WHALE of an ASS!.I'm not entirely sure how many proposals one Tribe can ask for , or maybe this is for ASS fans to do proposals just in general ? Not entirely sure. One thing that is impressive is the team behind the ASShole tribe. A bunch of great Steemians like @ackza and a few others you would know. Stop into their discord
So, looking to get more shortly and make this ASS the best ASS EVER! Now my post wouldn't be the same without some ASS action!

You an asshole , I is asshole , we all assholes
yay yay yay
I RESTEEMED and upvoted and i hope to see more posts ABOUT ass token so I will now make some on Twitter from official asstoken account
AND I will use this TASK site toii create some TASKS about promoting asstoken https://task.steemwhales.com I ALSO used @dclick to buy $1 worth of ads for asstoken.app and teh asstoken on steem engine https://dclick.io