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RE: Astral Projection: What I Saw

in #astralprojection7 years ago

Some Context Which Might Help

Take it or leave it, I hear your story and give the information that I sense is appropriate. You have your own agency to navigate life.

There's something going on right now with eclipses and celestial alignments and such. Having spoken to a wide range of friends I have concluded that now is a good time to go on a 'journey'. For me personally I went to a 'quantum jumping' session this last weekend and things have been exceptionally other dimensional since then.

It's a lot to do with our beliefs, what we allow ourselves to do and be. A lot of people say this kind of stuff, but I'm starting to see it's true when applied in a literal way to our experience of life. We give ourselves permission to adjust the software or the 'projector' of our reality.

I think you can do this 'tripping' again, or something like it. If you want to, which I think you do. I also think you might already understand the parameters that open it up and shut it down.

  • Getting very 'individual' or 'personal' about the experience throws you back into a linear state which can't sustain all of the newness and unexpectedness. It goes against that 'persons' idea of what is real and is acceptable.

  • Examining your thoughts around this subject will reveal a lot. In reading your article I can hear you make certain statements. You know that these journeys are 'real' subjectively or experientially, but you also have some doubt or mind condition which is interrupting you. You say that you have no idea how to make it happen again, I don't quite believe you - that's coming from a place of doubt. Also you say you're scared, and that's kinda natural I guess. But I also think that some part of you if intensely interested in this, and is fearless.

So which of the pieces and parts are real? Going back to getting out of a 'personal' and fixed identity state, you will find that things are a lot more fluid. There is a version of you that is comfortable with this work, so it's more or less a matter of moving into that version and understanding that it's true. The doubtful and afraid version of you is just a copy that wants things to conform to a fixed idea of what is real, and who you are. We know that things are continually changing, so releasing into that we can accept entirely new realities.

I hope my speculation is helpful, much love and gratitude for sharing some awesome stuff :)


Oh my gosh. Thank you for your insight ❤️ All of this IS so interesting to me and you're right; I would love to do it again. What do you mean by "personal"? I'm a little confused by that. @phillyc

Well I'm glad this was helpful :) @themodernwitch

When I say personal, I am talking about one of our aspects in this human journey. To simplify things a bit we can say that we have just two parts. One part is the physical, which includes the mind. The other part is the spirit.

The spirit is the unlimited self, it doesn't need anything and it sees things in a more unified way.

The body-mind aspect is our learned or conditioned self. For example I could produce a story about how my name is Phil and I'm 31 years old, do this for a living, and have a series of likes and dislikes. I call the mind part of us the identity or persona. Some people say mask or script. It's a story about who we are. It can be true for a moment, yet it can't be continually true because we are a continually unfolding being - all stories are just temporary truths.

Where we get stuck is in reverting to our stories about ourselves, either conscious or subconscious. These cause limitations in our expression and suppress our natural abilities. The process of healing is smoothing out all of the psychological and emotional discrepancies that we accumulate through living. Taking those stuck points and bringing the energy back into our experience right now.

What this whole thing is about is tapping into our unlimited self and joining it into our body-mind experience. We do this through intuitive capacities, such as your clairvoiyance. I don't usually have that ability, just occassionally when I am with someone who does. I do use an intuitive guidance which operates exactly the same way. It shuts down when I go into doubt or over thinking.

So using these gifts which in truth every single human has access to, is about 'getting out of the way' and letting our 'personal' stories through with out holding on to them. Some times it's just about internally making peace with it, and other times we have to live it out into a situation. Either way, you get that choice to see through the block and nullify it.

Much Love