Well I just woke up from a dream where I.was a human guitar amplifier and at some point in the dream realised this is peculiar and must be a dream. So, I went with what was then a lucid dream. I had the consistency of jello but had great vibrato and reverb, the audience was aware I was a human being taking the form of an amp and applauded my efforts.
The night before I was chasing down nazis and realised I was in too deep so I turned my gun into a toy to try and make a joke out of the whole thing. But, I was taken into custody where I sat face to face with Hitler and told him if I'd known I was gonna meet him I'd have kept my real gun. I then said maybe I can turn it back from a toy to a gun and shoot your face off.. He then held up my toy gun said "I beat you to it" aimed at my face and pulled the trigger. I woke up to start my day that way.
My point is I don't go around labeling reality or defining what's more real than anything else.. I've met guides and have the most absurd lucid dreams that seem to be connected to a cast of characters that I've been associated with for so long it makes linear time seem trivial. Not unreal, just a cog in the wheel of awareness..
Have a nice waking life.. I recommend watching the film by that title if you haven't and also realise there is an art to dreaming that the mechanized world has mostly forgotten.. I enjoyed this content though..
Lol that's weird.. I've never had a dream where I was taking another form..
In my dreams I'm always the one being chased, unlike you who had chased nazis. Hmm I guess reality is hard to define. Our brains don't even have that good ability with knowing what's real or not.. but having different realities is fun. Seems like an interesting movie. Thanks for the suggestion! :D