NASA has recently released new images of Jupiter, taken by the Juno Spacecraft
Do you think they are real? Or photoshopped like all their other images may be.....
(Like of the moon? Has man really been there? If they have would they really tell us the truth? ...... Neil Armstromg.... Neil A.... A lien... Alien.....creepy!)
Although the below have been enhanced, these are beautiful....
“As pretty as a planet can get, but get too close and Jupiter will END YOU,”
Eichstädt and Doran’s enhanced images from Juno’s JunoCam show a beautiful planet of luminous colors, ranging from deep blues and purples to browns and reds — though people should not be fooled by how inviting the planet seems.
Its beautiful either way i guess! We will know the truth about everything one day. Everything will change in 2020.... we are in the Age of Aquarius. And Saturn will be there in 2020 too and all our structures will be revolutionised!!!
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As Above, So Below.
Christine XOXO
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Thank you <3
How beautiful! The first pic (which I supposed could be photoshopped) resembles a geode.
That's what i thought too!! :) so pretty!!!! <3 i love crystals :)
These photos are amazing, thanks for sharing!
Thanks for commenting and reading :)
Thumbs up for the pictures and the rest of the madness that came with them 😉
Thank you :)
Woow that's very interesting to see :)
Lovely isn't it... even the originals <3