conjunction in Gemini at 0°.
The theme of this pattern
and many ways to direct it.
Who are the players
and what are they doing?
The Sun in Gemini = The Essential Self is full of ideas, loves to learn new things, is intellectually focused.
Mercury in Gemini = The Intellectual Self is energized, interested in work / projects / pastimes that are both educational and entertaining.
Gemini conjunctions = Promote mobility, acquiring and sharing knowledge, using your mind, working with data / facts / information, communicating!
What's happening?
This combination always just sizzles with imagination, curiosity, the desire to move around and find out what's going on. It is adept at learning, doing research and handling information in ways that are both useful and fun. It encourages you to "be out and about" -- physically , intellectually or both! It helps you find and share new sources of knowledge -- and catch up on the various pieces of news that interest you.
You're ready to learn, read, write, talk -- say what you think, tell what you know ... and find out what others have to contribute. Your mind is running on high octane fuel for about a week and a half -- and you may not only have so much going on in your head you need to take notes (which I constantly recommend!!), but "turning it off" may be a problem.
This energy is so cerebral, so pure, so undiluted all the stuff going on in your head may be simply overwhelming. (There can be too much of a good thing when the alignments and ingredients are this intense. But it can also be so much fun you want to just ride the waves and enjoy it.) All this going on in Gemini can, ironically, show that you have to work to focus.
Gemini loves to multi-task -- and he's darn good at it. He feels positively lazy when he works on just one thing at a time. (And usually, in the back of his mind -- where it doesn't show, or he doesn't have to pay a lot of attention -- he's actually working on something else, too.) He can think, fantasize, conceptualize, imagine and hold entire conversations with himself ... simultaneously. And this is where we all are now.
If you have a fire or air sign Mercury (Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius), this next week and a half can be like time spent at the circus. If you have an earth or water sign Mercury though, (any sign not in that list) you may have trouble with it. Trouble connecting, trouble relating, trouble getting started, trouble handling the avalanche of ideas and raw potentials raining down on you.
If you find it's hard to think ... if you feel life's demands are just too overwhelming ... if you feel like you want to just give up (or nap for a week) because there's no good way to make sense of it all ... take comfort in knowing, this, too, will pass. The skyrockets will finally fade. The sparklers will finally sputter ... and go out. The fiery Roman candle parade of ideas will taper off -- and life will get back to normal. You just have to be patient and wait it out.
For those of us who love this kind of action though, the experience will be thrilling.
What to expect?
- A mind on fire, fueled by absolutely pure intellectual energy
- Lots of ideas -- lots of fun things to learn and explore
- A powerful interest in things that are both entertaining and educational, things that make you think!
- Strong attachment to your ideas, opinions, beliefs and perspectives -- and an almost obsessive need to share
- Interest in exchanging knowledge, doing research, learning something new, reading, writing, talking, enriching your mind
- A restless need to move around -- physically, intellectually or both!
- Able to see multiple sides of an issue / ways to combine information into different presentations or different uses
- Ways to mix and match / compare and contrast different ideas -- and come up with something different, something interesting ... even something brilliant!
![The STEEM Engine](
From just the starting paragraphs I see approvals in my life. Just listened to popular scientific book of Richard Dawkins and thought the period of accumulation of new knowledge for me started. What a thing you have here and how it correlates with the reality, thank you!)
Sun is an early Gemini sign so I’m waiting to be knowledge greedy without analysis, just will eat all the things up) to the end of the month I’ll be analyzing what I knew more)