Astrology August 22 2018. Lost and Found in a Maze

in #astrology6 years ago


The energies are plain weird right now as we approach the Pisces Full Moon that comes after Eclipse season, the Great American Eclipse of Aug 21 2017 degree was triggered yesterday and that mystical Jupiter in Scorpio/Neptune in Pisces still holds sway.

It may feel a bit like the Maze in Mazerunner today as the Capricorn Moon meets Pluto, Lilith and Rx (almost stationed direct) and out of bounds Mars in the next 24 hours before going void at 8.18am MDT and moving into Aquarius at 10.55 am tomorrow.

Pluto, Lilith and Mars are all associated with Scorpio and have that quality of digging in deeply to the most shadowed places.

In the sign of our institutions and rules our emotions around these things will be heightened especially as the Moon is waxing to full on the 26th, only 4 days time.

There’s a lot of pressure build up in these aspects and a feeling of trying to find your way out of the walls and boundaries created by the rules that you have lived by all your life.

Also today, the Sun is at the last degree of Leo and moves into Virgo and crosses fixed star Regulus which moved into Virgo in November 2011 (no, fixed stars don’t actually move, you can find an explanation of the precession of the sidereal zodiac here To quote astrologer Michael Lutin

We stand at this very moment on the threshold of a new age: the age of Regulus In Virgo. The Age Of The Common Woman. Looking back about two thousand years ago, we see that sometime around the time when Regulus entered Leo, the sign from which it is now departing, Julius Caesar was being born. As were the grandparents of Jesus Christ.”

The Sun crosses this point annually of course but with this being the turning of the ages it’s always significant as it’s another ‘notch’ in the shift of ages especially thanks to last year’s Eclipse.

The Chandra symbol for the last degree of Leo where the Sun spends the next few hours is:

A woman sprinkling rose water in the four corners of a room.
Doing inner work in an outer world. Precipitating limitless spirit into dense matter. Working within higher laws. Tapping the sourcespring of existence. You are powerfully motivated to extend the range of the inner brightness into absolutely every facet of existence. So intensively purposive that you push yourself over every edge to achieve astounding things. You specialize in turnarounds, great shifts — personally and collectively. A vision burns through. You know that if you extend yourself just another notch further, the victory will be won. A knack for staying in there till something gives. A greater center of selfhood endows you with a central life radiance of unsurpassed glory. However, you tuck infinities away and appear as whatever is called for. And if your essence-spark shines through, it is incidental to the great design of bringing heaven to earth and being the one who makes that possible, selflessly and joyously and serenely.

With this week’s Full Moon having a kite pattern that really invites us to bring heaven to earth (miss the podcast on that? Click we are, more and more, being asked to work with the higher laws of the universe and to bring our inner work into practical reality. We are being asked to be practical mystics, as my fabby Mastermind partner Dawni Angel calls herself.

Another thing today is one of those ‘itch you can’t quite scratch’ (inconjunct) aspects between Venus in Libra and Neptune in Pisces, which means that Venus also makes a semi-sextile aspect to Jupiter in Scorpio. Our only major Air energy right now is aspecting the most spiritual aspect of the year bringing our thoughts to balancing faith and belief and spirit with our inner depths.

Last but not least, Ceres (the Great Mother), in Virgo, squares of to Vesta (focus and commitment) in Sagittarius asking us to integrate our vision and truth into practical earth saving energy.

I love being alive at this time because we have such an opportunity to bring change that will save the earth and humanity.

And today some deep and transformative energies are active that will inform this opportunity.

Much Love

Louise ❤


I love what is happening now, although my own personal energetic purges have been(beyond the word) intense.

As I was reading the Chandra symbol, I reached for a glass bottle of rose water that was sigiled in love by the hands of a woman I spend Valentines of 2015 with, in a 5D sense. I sprinkled the water all over my home and came back to finish reading this.

May we witness the complete circle of love and trust expanded from the wholeness I've felt in this. May it shimmer and ripple and bliss they to whom it is intended. ✨💕

I love that you actually did that!

I have been saving it for years. The path I'm on is grace fulfilling destiny, breath by breath. I guarded this bottle and as soon as I saw the symbol, it was clear what I was doing here.

Thank you for your beautiful messages, my friend.

May you be blessed. 😍💘