Does it feel as if the whole world has been photoshopped all along?
We’ve all been mind controlled by society and media and like good little lemmings believed we can be a tiger when we are a budgie?
What’s wrong with budgie’s?
Yeah, okay, this is all surreal. Or is it real?
Anyways, today is another crazy day lol.
The Aries Moon is void until 1.50pm MDT and in just under 11 hours time retrograde and out of bounds insane Mars in Aquarius will aspect the maverick Shaman, Chiron, in Mars ruled Aries.
Fire and air.
Uncontrolled fire and air
Maverick energy.
The void Moon will feel edgy and restless.
The Mars/Chiron aspect will give a BIG opportunity to stick a big middle finger up at anything that has stopped you being who you really are stripped bare of all the ‘shoulds’ and expectations.
Then a friend posted this as I began to write. It’s short and well worth a watch.
And will things ‘settle down’ when the Moon moves into earthy Taurus.
Fuck no.
Because the Moon will immediately connect with rebel Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius, where Mars is currently.
Time to be unapologetically real and find deep acceptance of every single pock mark and blotch whether those pocks and blotches are appearance based or internal.
Perfection is the enemy of real and what the fuck is perfect anyway?
Much Love
Louise ❤
Amazing. My husband and I used to do poetry slams in Denver!! Truly moving video. Thanks.
How fun! And yes, it’s a saver!