Astrology August 7 2018. F*ck It.

in #astrology6 years ago

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Are you living a beige life? One that is ruled by the shoulds of society, culture and family?

Are you afraid to break out and live life in living color?

Well today you might be saying fuck it all.

Uranus stations Rx today, Venus, newly in Libra, trines Rx and out of bounds Mars and Black Moon Lilith and the Sun in Leo makes an awkward inconjunct aspect to Neptune in Pisces whilst also approaching a conjunction with Mercury Rx (exact tomorrow — more on Mercury in the heart of the Sun then).

With Uranus Rx that will be SEVEN retrogrades. Mercury, Mars, Saturn, Neptune, Pluto and Chiron.

Uranus stations are frustrating in themselves. Edgy, irritable, irritating.

Seven retrogrades are also frustrating.

And Mars? Oh Mars. Causing so much shit right now in Uranus ruled Aquarius.

All in the between Eclipse season with the last of three on the 11th conjunct Mercury Rx and the focal point of a Yod/finger of God from Neptune and Pluto retrograde.

But Venus is in Libra now so all is magical right? Uh not quite, as I explained in yesterday’s post. You will also hear that the Venus/mars trine is lovely but all trines are not equal. Mars is totally rogue right now as I have talked about a lot. He is also conjunct Lilith who represents our too muchness, where we have been told we are too much in some way.

And…… Venus is on the super Galactic Center (and where my North Node is — whee) giving a hunger for more, more, more. This is a black hole of soul retrieval.

Libra is about relationships to all that is other, people, things, money, nature.

Right relationship cannot happen unless you are in right relationship with yourself. The retrogrades, the aspects and the Galactic Center connection all point to Soul Retrieval, a Shamanic practice that retrieves soul parts (or lost gifts) that have been lost as a result of trauma of any kind.

I will be leading a soul retrieval process on my call for my Patreons today (those at the third and fourth reward levels).

There’s such an inner hunger to the energies right now.

We are being taken into the depths of who we are by the energies and we’re finding holes that want to be filled.

It’s time to reclaim your lost gifts and the time between now and the Eclipse (check out the Weirdly Magical Podcast for information about the Eclipse, as we are in the waning Moon time that also takes us within.

The inconjunct from the Leo Sun to Neptune in Pisces is a spiritual itch that adds another layer to the energies.

Spend time in inner exploration, the outer world and the news will still be there afterwards. Say fck it and fck you to the world for now and use the restless, break free energy to break off with the outer world so that you break through internally.

The answers to all are with you ❤

Much love

Louise ❤