Astrology Sept 3rd 2018. Shhhhhhhhh.

in #astrology6 years ago


The usually social Gemini Moon is waning to the New Moon on the 9th and making few aspects today and is feeling unusually quiet.

Especially with Saturn stationing to turn direct in two days time.

Yet we now have still out of bounds Mars picking up speed and he moves to 29˚ Capricorn late today finally leaving the degree of his station. So things are definitely beginning to move forward.

The Gemini Moon moves to aspect Gemini’s ruler, Mercury, in Leo overnight for us here in the Western USA so the social vibe is likely to increase as the day goes on but I feel seriously blocked right now.

I am finding it hard to write or speak.

There’s even a lump in my throat, the block feels so powerful

The Saturn station has a lot to do with this though as well as the fact that we are in the final phase of the Moon after the Eclipses.

So, I will wish you all a peaceful Labor Day for those of you here in the USA and hope that you feel more sociable than I. I would happily stay home and read a book but I am going to an event. maybe being around people will actually unblock the blocks ❤

Much Love

Louise ❤