Astrology Sept 5th 2018. Contention.

in #astrology6 years ago


Oh my heavens, has the world ever felt more polarized and full of contention?

There’s a lot of miscommunication and more challenging of comfort zones today as Mercury is in quincunx to still out of bounds Mars and both are at the last degree of Leo and Capricorn respectively.

My morning began with a longer than necessary verbal spar with a guy that doesn’t think there was or is such a thing as the patriarchy and that women have things better than men in the western world.


Of course none of us were ever going to ‘win’ the ‘fight’ despite this prime example of the dying gasps of the drowning patriarchy declaring he had ‘won’ the argument several times.

Mercury is our communication and perception and in Leo likes to pronounce her/himself the ‘ruler’. Mars is our drive and will and is in the sign of our rules and institutions and is shaking things up over there in his out of bounds/rogue and post retrograde shadow form.

And this is how the day may go, alongside technical glitches as Mercury is challenged at that last degree of Leo.

Add into this lovely cocktail the Cancer Moon opposing Rx Pluto in Capricorn after starting the day with a lovely watery grand trine to Jupiter in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces (which helped us beings in female suits to wash away all the guys patriarchal crap) and emotions are deep and powerful.

Though this is also tending to bring power struggles as Pluto in Capricorn is challenging the soft and nurturing comfort zones of that Cancer Moon.

The energy will shift a little when Mercury moves into Virgo just before 8.40pm MDT and the aspect with Mars fades. Mercury in Virgo desires to see the whole picture and to have an integrated point of view. This begins the lead into the New Moon that has the potential to be deeply healing.

Adding to the angsty feeling of the day is the Saturn station that occurs in less than 19 hours at just after 5am MDT. But Saturn is at his station point now so we are stopped and blocked as Father time asks us to really decide what rules we want to live by. Hence the extra partisanship right now as some want the old rules and some want to change the rules.

This will be likely to come to a head when Saturn meets Pluto in Capricorn in January of 2020 at 22˚ Capricorn. Ironically, or not because the universe works that way, that’s when the next US Presidential election will be in full swing…..

At a personal level this is very much about your personal sovereignty. People have power over us only when we allow it (I am speaking about adults here, clearly).

Claim your sovereignty and choose which rules you live by.

Things will really begin moving forward after this week I promise ❤

Much Love

Louise ❤