Astrology Sept 6th 2018. Holy Shitballs. Time to Start the Clean Up.

in #astrology6 years ago


Holy shit yesterday sucked! Not just for me but for many clients and friends. How about you?

But things have shifted and, even though we are still in the waning, dark Moon time, things are beginning to clean up.

Mercury moved into one of the signs he rules, Virgo, about 12 hours ago and Saturn stationed direct a short while ago, though he will be at the exact point of his station until the morning of the 9th, the day of the New Moon.

So don’t expect things to be all light and jolly.

Mercury, in his own sign, today aspects Chiron, Rx Uranus and stationed Saturn meaning that our perceptions and communication are under pressure. Now the aspects to Saturn and Uranus form an earth Grand Trine which, on the face of it is grounding and healing.

But this Grand Trine is currently tied into a forming fixed Grand cross/square between the Leo North Node, Venus at the end of Libra and now in the shadow of her retrograde and about to move into Scorpio, Rx Uranus in Taurus and still out of bounds Mars at the end of Capricorn.

Once Venus moves into Scorpio and Mars moves into Aquarius this will become a strong fixed Grand cross/square with Venus slipping down into the underworld and finishing her time as the evening star for now and with Mars in his rogue state and still passing through the shadow of his retrograde. Add in the fact the North Node connects to all the Eclipse energy and Uranus is STILL at the degree he turned Rx at back on August 7th.

What does this all mean?

Well fixed Grand crosses/squares tend to be very tense because fixed signs are, well, fixed, and they don’t move easily. So we have some real underlying tensions that will peak around the middle of September.

So just be aware, especially if you have any planets or angles in the early degrees of signs, especially Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius, that there will be a lot of head butting and tense energy around underneath the potential healing energy of the New Moon. And if you want to know more about the New Moon itself check out the Weirdly magical podcast here.

But back to today.

The contentious energy hasn’t gone but it may ease a little for now.

Mars is still at that last/anaretic degree of Capricorn until Sept 10th in his rogue/shadow state causing all kinds of issues but also the potential to really make your mark and push to build something.

The Chandra symbol for this degree is

Blue morning glories growing up a tall trellis.
Heightened ability to bring the greater self into action. The towering presence of the one who knows informing each moment. A huge and formidable destiny-dedication to bring all of yourself through into this world. A steadfast, adamant quality of soul. The prenatal resolve to work out all remaining karmas and be free. Intensive focus upon soul evolution. Purpose, will. You have something to grow into throughout your life. Ancient ways, unfallen heights, seeing through. Staggered by what you have taken on. Ripening on the vine. Under massive pressure from within. The path and journey of ascension, with the body honored and the world renewed. Awakening and tapping the source for endeavors, projects, and tasks requires top-level clearance and the truest endowment of inward faculties to see them through and light up the world.

Mars is the self, the I am, and in Capricorn he IS a towering presence. But this is different to Mars usual crossing of this degree. He was first there in the middle of May before his retrograde but just after he entered his shadow. The second pass was in the middle of August whilst retrograde and out of bounds.

So read and re-read that Chandra symbol.

You are being asked to call on your resolve and greater self in a totally new way.

Buckle up buttercup and move towards your soul’s evolutionary purpose. If you don’t know what that is, you know where I am!

Much Love

Louise ❤