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RE: Hades Rides the Goat - Pluto in Capricorn

in #astrology7 years ago

Solid! Thank you for posting this. <3

This coming lunar eclipse (keto) is also adding a good deal of energy to the stripping (tearing) away of things and I think it is wise to be conscious of it by working with the process, as hard as it can be, it can be worse if one fights the tide rather than flowing with it -- riding it. I’ve been sacrificing with intent, outdated ways and modes, and even in a more tangible way, such as things I no longer need but have kept for whatever reasons (cleaning the closets out, so to speak)… I feel it all helps in a sort of “burping” way. Being conscious of the energetics around us takes focus and a good deal of grit. ;)


Thank you. Yes, I agree. I've felt like I'm swimming upstream for a long time now, which isn't hard as a Pisces, but now I am starting to dive to depths below the currents. This is helping me purge and almost forcing me to let go and surrender to the undercurrent. Funny you mention cleaning closets. I was looking for something in my office yesterday and found so much clutter that needs to go. This week is cleanup time. :-)