Love this. So on point! The video is really long ill have to listen to it in bits. The deeper im getting into the astrology side of the tarot the more apparent it's becoming that my whirl wind of a year actually aligns nicely with a few astrological points/shifts. Almost gave me a little comfort like oh it's not all because I fucked up ! haha. Kinda looks like some of it was meant to happen that way. Which is exciting you know? What does my higher self know that i dont, what are they up to that im not understanding? Im starting to see it as somewhat essential to be studying astrology right now to able to navigate these chaotic times. And im only on the surface you know, and i already feel like that.
The Leo King - another amazing YouTuber astrology, whom I found Peace Dealer through - was saying about a month ago how the previous 6 months had just been a huge anomaly with all the retrograde happening at once and all this other crazy shit aspecting them...
Indeed, astrology helps make sense of a lot of unseen forces at play, once understanding it better and heeding counsel from those who know their shit. Those two guys are by far my favourite.
There are certainly interesting connections between astro and tarot, too. I’ve barely begun learning anything about tarot. Recently watched the documentary 21 Faces Of God as a great intro, and quite curious to learn more!
We persistently forget this is all a grand genetic program, running impeccably on natural laws... and just as the acorn has within it the blueprints for its developmental process into becoming a great oak, it might seem a bit questionable how we humans tend to doubt that we too may have our inherent blueprint of development towards higher, matured forms...
Astrology, being a realm in which many of the dynamics of such developmental processes - the unfolding of archetypal transformations occurring across the dimensions of space and time - are detailed.
Everything!!! 😇
Lush thankyou for all that info! Will check it all out. We are constantly told that we are the master of our own destinies and it's only down to us, and karma, and doing the work to get where you want. I think this is actually only partially true, it's almost like its all diss info as a distraction. You do absolutely need to do the work and shape your journey how you want it, but there are also pre programmed factors and mile stones i think we are meant to unravel to help us wake up, and if we just constantly resist that element trying to manifest something different than was planned, it's not going to be nice and we get stuck in that loop!!!
Ha yea higher self knows everything, was a stupid question really??? lol