Yes, as I find I'm reflect more into Nature that runs the rest of the planet , it seems to me that nothing is owned.. It is used and shared .. the concept of scarcity which we have been brought up with, says we should hoard and keep as ours ..? Even if we don't use it.. as I try to live a minimalist lifestyle as much as I can, I find the attachment to owning stuff is a major impediment .. Buddha preached non-attachment to things, thoughts, sensations ,feelings .. be aware of them and move on.. Bye the way, did you pass on the book to another deserving soul ..)) Or did someone pinch it from you.. ? ))
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Haha, no, it's one of the few I've kept throughout the years. Have given away many others, thought that's actually the one I've kept the longest of any book. Haven't read through it in a long time, though certain I will again...
Rok, is the book, "Autobiography of A Yogi" by any chance.. ? I had that book fall into my hands when I purchased an old Van, and the book was in it.. The wisdom in the book has lasted a lifetime, this free book was worth way more to me than the van..))
Never heard of or gotten to that one yet...
Haha, nice. :-)