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Every week or so, there's an article that encapsulates everything wrong with, for lack of a better word, "science".
You see, these corporate scientidiots get paid to find certain things, and when they not only cannot find them, but rather find that their theories and models are completely wrong, they, make shit up. Literally.
Black holes are a perfect example of this phenomenon. Thanks to the father of the Scientidiot Gods - a feller by the name of Albert Einstein - all the minions of the Church of Scientidiocy have believed for the better part of a century that space is inert and gravity - the weakest force know to Man - was responsible for everything we see in the Heavens. The Universe is alternately collapsing, expanding and colliding with itself and alternative Universes as these brain-dead tax-money eaters refuse to accept what they see, and instead force the data in evidence to fit what they believe.
Real science works like this: you see something happen; you create an hypothesis to explain how it happened; you devise tests to recreate the event under controlled situations; if you're tests work, you tell others how to do them and wait to see if they can replicate the event. If they are able to corroborate your hypothesis, then it becomes a theory, which ideally is tested again and again as new information and techniques become available. If at any point in the future, someone finds a fault with your theory, then it is automatically negated and thrown out. As the Navajo say, "One white crow proves that not all crows are black."
Take a look at the image above. Notice the bright glowing object in the center. That's a "black hole," at least according to the scientidiots. That's right, an object with gravity so strong that not even light can escape its rapacious appetite.
With light.
That escaped.
If you read the linked article, you learn that this object has but a fraction of the magnetic field predicted by what passes for science these days - commonly called a mathematical model. Not observation, mind you, just playing with numbers and seeing what falls out.
If this were real science, that would negate the theory and everyone would start from scratch. Only problem with that is that taxpayers have paid billions to learn about black holes - supercomputers, giant telescopes, orbiting observatories, massive plasma colliders. Furthermore, we've all been taught this crap since practically kindergarten, so that we would obligingly fork over our hard-earned tax dollars to these scientidiots. If they just throw out the whole theory like they are supposed to do, it would very likely be a LOT harder to convince us to give them more billions.
It would also mean that the Most Blessed on High God of All Scientidiocy Albert Einstein (cross yourself and genuflect please) was - gasp! - wrong, and that the entire sacred text of General and Special Relativity would have to be thrown on the junk pile of bad ideas.
So, Einstein forbid we should ever admit to a flaw in our thinking, or being lead astray by the Church of Scientidiocy. It's just like the Spanish Inquisition and Tomás de Torquemada is running around testing the faith of the flock lest a single drop of heresy leak out.
At this point, I highly recommend the dear reader pop over and listen to Stephen J. Crothers. We'll wait for you right here. [
Basically, the supposed existence of black holes was created out of whole cloth in order to explain certain phenomena that should have existed because theoretical mathematicians needed a way to divide by zero. They decided that the product of this forbidden division was "infinity," which instantly became a number and not an abstract idea. This bit of numerical wizardry created the "singularity" that wrapped around an area of space that wasn't space, from which nothing, not even light, could escape, and yet somehow didn't swallow the entire Universe.
And apparently, the light which is NOT escaping from black holes can be recorded as images for us to gawk at in our weekly Church of Scientidiocy services - even though the images completely violate the theory of black holes, and the object imaged above does not match what they predicted.
Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.
Isn't it about time we cut off funding to these yahoos? All these massive tools we have paid for have achieved precisely NONE of the stated objectives (see Large Hadron Collider and the Higgs Boson). Despite piles and reams of data disproving all these crack-pot theories, they wave their alchemical wands and create new "dark" stuff and "black" other stuff that can't be seen, touched, smelled, tasted, or heard to continuously patch up their sacred texts and polish the statues of the Most Holy Einstein.
You and I are working our fool butts off to pay these scientidiots to achieve nothing useful. I don't know about you, but I want a refund.
Nice article, i think i may have found someone who can actually debate about interesting things...
you may like and give your ideas on this three posts i did some time ago:
If you like them you can upvote any of my less than 7 days post so i get the reward :P
Im following you now... but you don't need to follow if it doesn't come naturally...
Life is indeed a journey (I speak Spanish among a few other languages).
Thank you both for following and for the kind comments. I am pleased to find others who like to think and don't accept everything uncritically. I will indeed follow and keep up with your posts. Anyone willing to listen to me deserves to be listened to.
I apologize that I won't be able to comment immediately, as I am living at a dead run at the moment - no complaints. I do want to consider your posts, however, and offer any insights I may have to the conversation. Thank you for bringing them to my attention. Perhaps we can spark a little erudite conversation amidst the ramble and noise of click bait. Cheers! And I will be around soon.
No rush ... whenever you have time read those posts... I’m sure those are the ones you would find more interesting. The rest of my posts are traveling stories or my grandmothers stories or just photos...
Hope to read you soon!