Identify the mystery object and win 1 Steem

Getting good #astrophotography photos has many challenges which makes it well worth doing. You will learn very quickly how your cameras functions work as getting sharp images of objects millions of miles away can really stretch you and your camera's abilities.

I'm reminded of the famous quote by Pres. John K Kennedy.

"We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard"


I took this photo of the Moon a couple of nights ago after a phone call from son asking me. "Have you seen the Moon tonight? The moon was low on the horizon and was a deep blood red colour.

Crescent Moon

crescent moon.jpg

This image below was the actual size of the Moon that came out of the camera. Using the RAW files I edited it in Photoshop to bring up the features on the surface and then resized the image to the size in the image above.

Original Moon photo


If you want to improve your photography skills at an accelerated pace then astrophotography is a good way to go. Plus you get to see some amazing sights that you would not see with your naked eyes. And the stars are always there for you to shoot except when it's cloudy.

You also can pick up some odd things flying around in space like these two unidentified objects below.

The Mystery object:

First person to correctly identify this object below will win 1 Steem

Unidentified Flying Object?

unidentified flying object.jpg

And this image below looks a bit like Saturn but there were many similar blips in the image. I ran it through Astrometry but drew a blank

These two objects were found in the photo below.

two weird objects.jpg

Astrometry identified Camelopardalis which is something I had never heard of which was very nice.



It's great fun trying to get some decent images and figure out what they are especially in the dark. :-) The photo below you may recognise if you are in the northern hemisphere. It's the Big Dipper of Ursa Major.

Ursa Major


Have a great evening and take a look at the stars wherever you are.

Camera: Canon 70D. Lens Canon 50 mm Settings for individual photos on request.



Awesome post .and. lovely moon 🌙 photo shoot.📷 my dear friend molometer

Thanks, are you going to have a guess at the mystery object? :-) dear friend molometer...thank you

What does that comment mean exactly? I'm a little confused by your responses? Are you a robot?


Ha ha good guess. It looks very weird.

Great photograph of the moon @molometer. It looks like you're progressing nicely with your photography.

I have no idea what the UFO is but would guess a shooting star or comet. 😁

It's moving in a very peculiar way if you zoom in you will see something odd.

Is it a meteor @molometer? And is the other thing iridium satellite flares?

I have no idea what it is either. It has a very weird coma if it's a meteoroid and to random to be an iridium flare?

these are something else. that is my guess. :)

What do you make of that wiggly line?
Thanks for the honourable mention in the bestpie contest :-)

oh sure .. you had a great post however, well the drawing changed that.. LOL

squiggly line satelite? or ufo

Squiggly, wiggly it's a bit weird. That's for sure :-)

Pretty sure one of them is the Hale–Bopp comet, however which one I have no idea LOL. No I guess that isn't it, but I remember when the Heaven's Gaters committed suicide to reach it back in the day.

Ha ha Hale-Boop I should be so lucky?
I remember the Heaven's Gaters. Some people will just believe anything? :-)

Fantastic moon! Is the UFO a garden insect that photo bombed your shot?😯

All will be revealed in today's post. I figured it out and it was quite a surprise. @melinda010100 :-)

You mean you didn't know what it was either?

Nope. I had no idea what it was either? lol I do now.