Richard Nixon Died A Span Of 11110 Days After The JFK Assassination

in #astrotheology4 years ago (edited)

APX Richard Nixon 11110 JFK.jpg

It was under US President Nixon, that the World Trade Center was opened first. Nixon was exactly 22,000 days old on 4/4/1973, which was exactly 22 months before the Golden Gate 266°-267° midpoint day. Two Master Builder Numbers for a Twin Master Building.

APX World Trade Center Golden Gate Midpoint 266-267 Richard Nixon 22.jpg

But he also synced with JFK in an interesting way: Nixon died a span of 11110 days after the JFK assassination, for an 11:11 super number with a divine addition of a zero.

From JFK death to Richard Nixon death are span of 11110d.PNG

That is exactly the same time in days as from George H. W. Bush's birth to the release of The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, released on 11/11/1954 - which also synced perfectly with his son George W. Bush.

APX George H W Bush 11110 The Two Towers.jpgAPX George W Bush 3050 Lord of the Rings The Two Towers.jpg