Holy shit! This is my first post is almost a fortnight, so lets make it a good one! And a good one would be the triumphant return of the Abandoned Shit Weekly Contest! This marks the 20th contest and I'm looking forward to seeing the entries. Please note the new rule to add your entry link into the comment section of this post!
The Contest:
This is NOT a photography contest. The subject matter is what's being judged with the Abandoned Shit Weekly contest, not one's skills with a camera. Honestly, I just want to see some cool abandoned shit. lol HOWEVER, as with any photograph, the "wow factor" can certainly be enhanced with a technically sound execution. Simply put, winners won't be chosen strictly on artistry.
The Prizes:
1st Place = 10 x 100% Power upvotes at 10,000 SP
2nd Place = 5 x 100% Power upvotes at 10,000 SP
3rd Place = 3 x 100% Power upvotes at 10,000 SP
The Theme:
This week's theme = Windows! Your photos should feature the windows of an abandoned building or vehicle. Pretty straight forward here. I'll be pretty lenient on the theme ruling, just make sure a window is pretty prominent in your entry.
The Rules:
Rule #1 =
Rule #2 = Your photo must be taken by YOU. If you take an imagine from the internet and use it as your entry into this contest, you will be disqualified and I will flag you. Your abandoned shit photo must be posted using the tag #aswcontest for one of your tags. This is crucial so that your entry can be seen/found!
Rule #3 = Only ONE entry per user, per week. Save some content for future contests! However, multiple images of the SAME object or place in your entry post is OK.
Rule #4 = Tell us what we're looking at! You don't have to write a novel, but let us know what the picture is of, and where you found it. That's the most interesting part! Equipment and camera settings can be included at your discretion, but is not necessary.
Rule #5 = Stick to the weekly theme!
NEW! Rule #6 = Post the link to your entry in the comments below! This is just incase I get busy again, I can easily find all entries just below.
The Time:
When = New ASW contests will start on TUESDAYS and will end at 11:59pm EST on SUNDAY. Winners will be announced on Monday with awards distributed then as well. I figure it's a good way to start the week!
HELP! - I'd really like this contest to become an established, weekly feature. Resteeming the official contest announcement post here would be a huge help in getting the word out, though you do not HAVE to in order to participate in the contest. I'm just asking as a favor. Also, just mentioning the contest in/on your entry post would help a lot!
^^^Here's the photo I used for the contest logo above. It was the remains of a random abandoned farm house that we found in the west of Iceland. They windows may be abandoned, but they still have a hell of a view!
Make sure to follow @customnature to keep up with all Abandoned Shit Weekly Contest happenings!
Abandoned Shit Weekly Contest - #20 - Windows - Sea View
Limited time offer! Perfect apartments at Karosta, Latvia. Own beach territory and perfect sea view!!! Hurry up!!! :D
Well, another shot from recent visit of this insane place. Remains of old beginning of XX century Tsar's fortification slowly sliding into the Baltic Sea. Perfect colourful sunset
Enjoy the scenery!
What's building on there friend? is that ex watch tower?
or old fortress? or what?
btw nice photo friend, good luck :)
Glad to see the abandoned shit again!
Here's my entry.
Came across this window in a thousand year old abandoned monastery near Los Arcos, Spain.
Just one of many interesting sites we encountered walking along the way of the El Camino de Santiago.
In our country, we have some of this window style, and the building inside of it used for a old prison.
nice photo, I like it :)
Window is just a hole in the wall. Window is a gap in the whole. It puts the light as well as brings darkness, You never know who is looking at You from the other side...
Full post: https://steemit.com/aswcontest/@photovisions/asw-contest-20-windows-someone-can-look
Great to see you back mate. Best photography competition on Steemit and totally cool subject matter. Now Im back in Thailand will have loads of subject matter to photograph. The whole country often looks like its abandoned! Even the shit that looks that isnt abandoned, looks like it is, or should be!
Hey, thanks. Hey, I've got a favor take ask if your in Thailand. When/if you see any neat jungle-y trees, like those fig trees that have crazy roots, can you take some photos for me? Both wide and close up? I build zoo animal habitats and could really use some good reference photos for those tropical trees.
Would be a pleasure mate, I actually live in a concrete jungle just outside Bangkok but there are many patches of green where nature has taken over unused land. I am sure I will be able to get some useful pics for you. I'll just randomly post them on your comments when I take them.
Best wishes to you :-)
Here my entry for this week theme #aswcontest
Hey! It's nice to see you on my feed again!
Excited for this weeks contest!
Hope all is well!
Likewise! I've just been very busy with work stuff. Gotta keep them bills paid!
Super stoked to see this contest back!! Welcome back, man!
Thanks, bud. I can't believe I haven't posted in long as it has been. Time flies when you're busy. I'll try to make it a habit of getting back on here again.
I feel it though. I haven't been on as frequently myself.
Here is mine! https://steemit.com/aswcontest/@melinda010100/abandoned-shit-weekly-contest-round-20-windows-add5083f19016
nice photo friend, good luck for you entry :)
Hello friend, this is my entry :
if you like my photo, you could check the full content in here : https://steemit.com/aswcontest/@mirfaner/abandoned-shit-weekly-contest-no-20-windows
Don't forget to check up my content fellas :))
Thanks before.
Best Regards, @mirfaner
My entry:

My first attempt in this contest.
Stumbled upon this while randomly browsing through steemit. It is cool and i hope to participate in the contest.
But were gonna finds some awesome stuff for this theme so good luck to me :Dits good to see that you are back @customnature lots of us are waiting for the this weeks theme .. :)
I'm in!
Been so long youve posted
Hello there!
It's been a while since I last entered this contest. Here's my submission for this theme:
Here is my entry link :
So so glad you're back with your awesome contest :D
The link to my entry: https://steemit.com/photography/@soyrosa/abandoned-shit-weekly-windows-without-glass-in-an-abandoned-fort
The image:

Hi, this is my entry for the contest. The old abandoned Water Castle, over 100 years old, rusted to death, turned into a restaurant 50 years ago, abandoned again, rusted even more, but still quite imposing.
Oh this is cool just right for me because my house is in between two abandoned houses.
Hi, here's my entry, with some more photos and off-topic stories in the post, but it's about this photo. Stairwell and balcony door/front window of the Zechenhaus in Alte Piccardie near Georgsdorf in Grafschaft Bentheim, Niedersachsen.
I'm glad you've come back @customnature... if I see something that approaches the theme of the contest I participate if I do not damage one of the windows of my house and I take the photo 😂
Here's my entry...finally been busy : https://steemit.com/esteem/@purpledaisy57/new-theme-abandoned-shit-weekly-contest-20-windows-vine-covered-windows-aswcontest-d935b5800aa1aest
Oh good! I've missed you!😃
look like all of people in here waiting new contest from @customnature
Nice to see you again and I'm happy the contest is on! Here's my entry The Abandoned Workshop.
Happy weekend, dear steemians... Here is my entry to one of my favorite contest... I try with a ilustrated story....
Abandoned Shit Weekly Contest - #20 - Windows - Remains of former luxury
I made this photo in Cyprus in Limassol. It was sad to see the abandoned houses in the historic center of the city. Strange, but even the flow of tourists could not revive these ruins
My entry :-)
My entry for this week in @aswcontest. https://steemit.com/aswcontest/@dewaled507/my-entry-on-new-theme-abandoned-shit-weekly-contest-20-windows-aswcontest
Hi @customnature here's my post this week, with a window theme. https://steemit.com/aswcontest/@dwiazzahra/new-theme-abandoned-shit-weekly-contest-20-windows-aswcontest
My entry this week:

follow this customnature contest my post this week.

My entry.
My entry for this round
Welcome back @customnature! https://steemit.com/aswcontest/@roxy-cat/abandoned-shit-weekly-contest-20-windows-or-ghostly-window-1f165e191448c
here is my entry for this week
