Dukes and Duchesses of the Deserted!
First off, I apologize for not posting this yesterday. I was going to do it late last night but, well, Red Dead Redemption 2. 😝 Anyway, talk about some rusty gold! Lots of cool entries were posted and I had a blast looking through all of them. I hope everyone reading has as well, or will do so soon. Definitely worth the time!
The Theme:
This week's theme = RUST! Your entry should be heavily rusted. It can be anything made out of rusty metal. Vehicles, fences, chain, etc. Whatever it is, rust should be the one of the main features of your entry.
The results:
1st Place Winner - 50% SBD Revenue from this week's ASW Contest posts:
From the author: "These were taken almost 10 years ago before a group band shoot with "The Remarkabillys "!! A family friend used to own a car lot and at one point had lots of old cars sitting around!!"
ENTRY = https://steemit.com/aswcontest/@jasonrussell/abandoned-shit-weekly-rust-asw-contest-23
I did a LOT of picking, then re-picking, then re-picking again of the winners this week. However, one was always right near the top: this old car from @jasonrussell. It intrigued me. It definitely displayed ton's of this week's rust theme, but the chrome was almost pristine! I don't know much about automotive, but apparently it doesn't age and break-down like regular steel and iron? Either way, I feel this entry was very fitting of the rusty crown!
2nd Place Winner - 35% SBD Revenue from this week's ASW Contest posts:
I love abandoned stuff like this. These giant colossuses of industry and the industrial revolution. This massive piece of mining equipment from a bygone era certainly flaunts it's rusty facade in grand fashion. Tons of rust to go around!
From the author: "I found this rust baby near Circleville, Utah not far from Butch Cassidy's childhood home. Not sure exactly what you call this. It is obviously a conveyor belt and hopper used in mining. Mining what I am not sure. A quick Internet search for the area says that there have been over 10,000 closed mining claims in the area."
ENTRY = https://steemit.com/aswcontest/@michaelevans/rust-the-true-teller-of-time
3rd Place Winner - 15% SBD Revenue from this week's ASW Contest posts:
From the author: "I came across this abandoned plough out in the Mojave desert. It was partially buried in a clump of vegetation. I'm not sure what they used it for out here but maybe back in the day with some heavy irrigation and soil they did some farming?"
ENTRY = https://steemit.com/aswcontest/@otage/desert-plow-asw-contest-23-rust
In third place, we have this awesome old plow/cultivator/tiller thing from @otage. His post has lots of photos of this antique farming machine (in the desert?!), but I really loved this one, where you can see how it's half-sunken into the hard, dry soil. Definitely gives it a Dust Bowl vibe.
Honorable Mentions - 100% upvote each. In no particular order:
"I honestly was trying to make out what this rusted piece of contraption was i was told by some locals that this was like a flood gate that use to be open manually by placing a steel wheel over the threaded shaft and this would direct the waters into the lake in case of heavy flooding"
"A Rusty Old Motorbike Chain
which had been left wrapped around a lampost in Compton Terrace, Islington, North East London reminded me of the irony (get it ?) of being bound by the chains of time. Eventually these chains would return to the earth as oxidation renders solid iron into dust, in the blink of the cosmic eye."
"To enter the competition I thought I would share this pic of some rusted car parts from a recent explore. So much rust..."
"In our terrese there is a water tap which is used very rarely, specially when we have to wash the teresse floor! Due to being in an open place... It got rusted years ago!"
Yeah, this was a tough one. It's hard for me to judge this contest sometimes, because I do like photography and I have to consciously remind myself that it's not a "photography contest". I made it a point to really focus on the "rust" part, especially in the top 3. Rusty, but also interesting subjects. As always, I did enjoy ALL entries though, and I hope you all did too! Rewards will be distributed on Friday, after both of this week's official ASW Contest posts are paid out!
Abandoned Shit Weekly Contest - №. 24 will be announced later tonight, so look for the official contest post to see what this week's theme will be!
Make sure to follow @customnature to keep up with all Abandoned Shit Weekly Contest happenings!
So awesome!!! Thank you @customnature!!!
Congratulations @jasonrussell!!
I really enjoy partaking the cometition! I amd waiting for the next one! Thanks @customnature for the 100% vote.. It is really a lot to me!
keep it going!
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I can only imagine how hard it must be to make the final descions .
Congratulation to the all the winners....
I look forward to the next..
Thank you so much @customnature for the upvote and the Honorable Mentions much appreciated and congrats to all the other winners !!
Congratulations to all the winners. Thank you @customnature for the awesome contest!