The Gaming Fisherman Idea

in #asynckronism2 months ago

I enjoy fishing in Video Games. The randomness of materials that reside in the depths aren't always what I am expecting. Fish are always the expected outcome but I get a thrill out of it when something else gets reeled in. An item of any sort, an oddity that is somewhat rare, or a container holding a variety of objects. It's exciting seeing something that I would not expect to find at the end of my line. Fishing usually has a touch of random chance that keeps it interesting compared to other gathering professions in a game.

Coincidentally, Fishing is an activity that can be done practically anywhere(With Liquid) at any level with just a rod. Not much prior grinding of lower tier materials to finally be able to participate with the inhabitants or objects that are of the waters. I've never focused on a target on fishing before though, the activity of just simply fishing being what I seek but I wanted to give 'Targeted Fishing' a shot. I took inspiration from the TV Show 'River Monsters' and decided to start casting for specific fish in different games.

I am, I think, a proficient angler but I fish with the idea that any catch reeled in is a victory. To have a more 'direct' source of knowledge, I'll have a 'local expert' to help guide me across the various waters and give me advice on how I should proceed to hook my catch. I won't say every entry into this venture will be 'excited' or 'thrilling' but the fishing profession in games has always been of interest to me and I would like to share my experiences with others. Having a 'fishing target' or goal will be what keeps me on track.

This'll be my own personal adventure but I will be keeping track of it with screenshots and written entries for both myself and any interested readers.

It's going to be interesting seeing how much deeper I go into fishing with a goal!