Why I Am An Antitheist

in #atheism7 years ago

“Once you assume a creator and a plan, it makes us objects, in a cruel experiment, whereby we were created sick, and commanded to be well.”

Isn’t this what Christianity is all about? As the late and great Christopher Hitchens said, if we assume a higher power that created us and has control over us, we are worthless objects, created with a defect but expected to work properly.

Hitch liked to compare the idea of Christianity and heaven to a sort of divine North Korea and he wasn’t wrong.

So many bad things in this world happen ONLY because of religion and to be honest, I don’t see anything done by churches or religious people that requires the belief in an unvisible man in the sky who sent himself down in a human body, to basically get killed by his original followers, so he can forgive us the sins he created us with in order to save us from himself… Wait what?!

How can an omniscient God be so incredibily stupid? In many ways he sounds like an uneducated, old, bearded man living in the desert two to four-thousand years ago, who thinks he will fall of the edge of the earth if he walks to far in any direction.

Fundamental religion hinders scientific advancement and innovation, it even kills people! I don’t mean ISIS, that’s another bullshit story I will probably talk about in the near future… No, I mean the pope, the fucking pope! The guy who drives around in his funny little white Mercedes telling africans that “AIDS is bad… But condoms are worse!”.

I know most people nowadays, especially in Europe where I’m from, aren’t really religious nuts. But what I see everyday on YouTube, from TV-Evangelists, to atheists debating religious crazy people on the streets is INSANE!

Somehow almost half the people in the United States of fucking AMERICA believe the earth is around 6000 years old! But suddenly when they have a headache they do trust the science that gave them Aspirin. They walk over a bridge and then tell us “You atheists also have faith that this bridge won’t collapse when you’re walking over it!”… No bitch! It’s science!

The same scientific methods that are being used to determine the age of the earth, evolution and the chances of extraterrestrial life are being used to mix those pills you take when your stupidity reaches a painful level. And the same methods are being used when well-educated people build bridges according to the laws of physics.

The main reason why I’m an antitheist is because I hate seeing a world built on lies and deception. It’s so obvious to me that all religions are man-made and I just don’t see the benefit of living a lie.

When I walk past a church or I see a pastor or a nun I think to myself “those fuckers have lived entire lives, had entire careers and and built huge buildings all based on science-fiction!”. I can’t believe it! I know the reasons why religion is so powerful, but I still don’t get it! I don’t understand how apparently reasonable people don’t have a single doubt when it comes to a book like the bible or the quran. That’s fucking embarassing!

I wanna live in a world where people do good things because they see the benefits it brings to society and even to everyone individually. All those religious people who give to charitiy and so on only do it because they’re scared of the stupid invisible man, not because they understand that it’s the right thing to do.

I wanna live in a world where we all strive for having as much knowledge as possible and not where a big majority of the species relies on some old book full of contradictions that so obviously is fake.

I wish there was an afterlife! I wanna live for at least 999 if I ever have to die, because I wanna learn as much as I can. I wanna do all the things I’ve always wanted to do. But since that (for now) seems unreasonable, I would love for there to be an afterlife where I can see all the friends and family that have died.

But I don’t want the bible to be true, even if we would consider all the contradicitons to be “metaphors”. I don’t want a God that only judges your life by your level of commitment to him and only him. I want an afterlife where either all live together forever, without the fear of death or one that judges you by your actions and not your toughts and beliefs.

I wouldn’t mind seeing Hitler or Genghis Khan in the afterlife, even if we hadn’t lead similar lives, I would still wanna talk to them in a “good place” where stuff like wars doesn’t happen because everybody realizes that it makes no sense.

But if there are two places… Heaven and hell… And you only get into heaven if you truly believe that Jesus is your Lord and Savior and other than that you can rape as many little boys as you’d like, and all non-believers go to hell… Then I wouldn’t think it’s fair. But I’m pretty sure it would be fun in hell… Getting high with Einstein, sitting in a circle around a fire listening to old war stories from Hitler (if he isn’t actually in heaven) and making fun of bisexual hippie Jesus with Lucifer himself.

Funny thing is.. If you wanna have some kind of deep, intellectual conversation, you’re better off going to hell…

I know this was more of a rant than a good argument for my Antitheism, but you get the point.

See you soon, brothers and sisters!

-The Insightful Stoner, crypdogar