As to the similarities that do exist at the embryonic level, what exactly do you think that proves at this point in the discussion? Common evolution history or that many things reuse the same design patterns and therefore presumably have the same Designer?
You brought it up since you couldn't debate anything else from the arguments i brought. You are intellectually dishonest.
As an old rocket scientist I definitely see proof that all the rockets shown below must have evolved and therefore couldn't have had a designer.
They were surely developed based on the same model. What are you trying to say man? what is your evidence? pick any argument i made. any. you haven't made a single argument yet
Read more closely.
I've sprinkled responses all around this thread.
I critiqued your use of those embryo drawings as evidence that there is no God and provided a simple human example of how rockets "evolve" as designers modify their design to meet different specs.
The position that each creature was designed is not refuted by the fact that they share many common components and design patterns.
All of your arguments assume that what my 2000 year old eyewitnesses reported did not happen. My extraction of signal from noise convinces me they did happen. Given that, I have a satisfactory alternative for each of your points.
Perhaps I'll pick a few and do a series of posts on each one (giving you proper credit and links in the process).
I just haven't found it worthwhile to annotate an OP as long as this one with responses that get buried and lost in the steem a mere 24 hours later.
But what I did decide to do here is to critique some low hanging fruit and offer a single observation.
I know why I would work hard to write a post this long.
I still don't understand why an unbeliever would feel it is worth his time.