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RE: Your God Is The Only True God

in #atheism8 years ago

I have some really interesting eyewitness accounts from 2000 years ago.

We also have eye withness account for Hindu Gods. Are they also true. Dude! come on.

I only came by to make a tiny little point for everyone's consideration:
"Why is their an atheism tag in this forum?"

No you didn't. You are obsessed dellusional that got a voice because his son runs the platform. Your page is full of religious nonsense propaganda. You just came in here to say "you are wrong and i am right" without bringing anything to discussion other than so-call discredit a drawing ...which is a fact anyway you put it. a biological FACT.

I can see why someone who believes that others are at risk would spend time trying to help them.

You are trying to help yourself. The more people believe something the truer it becomes. That's how religions are. You are tortured from your faith. this is why your page is full of that shit.

I can only postulate that atheists are desperately trying to reassure themselves that they are not making the biggest mistake of their lives.

lol. no my friend. you are. your obsession in your profile reveals just that. Even if there is a god..your god. ..i would still shit on him because he did not reveal himself..lets say every 100 years just to make people at ease...I would still shit on him for allowing 1600 kids to die every day from hunger. i will still shit on him for not being clear. there 16000 gods Stan. everyone claims theirs to the true one. Could you please leave your redneck background on the side and see objectively how human cultures evolved? its not THAT hard my friend.

if you were born in India you were most likely be a hindu. in america you are most likely a christian. not rocket science..but for fucks realize this very basic reality.


Feel free to examine whatever other signals are out there and pick what works for you. You keep pointing to the noise as the reason you can't extract a signal.
I say it's because you are quite happy to have that noise as an excuse.

God has been very clear. But just clear enough so that people have the freedom to make up an excuse to turn away if they are not interested.