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RE: Your God Is The Only True God

in #atheism8 years ago (edited)

I think you’re being overly rhetorical. An honest appraisal using Information Theory results in a near certainty that our World is an act of will by a Creator. In one of his early books, Bostrom considered the Anthrophic Principle and conclude that the coincidents necessary for life were sufficiently robust that an inference of design was legitimate. That led him years later to formulate the Simulation Hypothesis. He claims the Simulation Hypothesis is almost certainly true. That’s science, not religion. The same is true of the Intelligent Design movement.

Doug Axe in his new book, Undeniable, points out that children, rather than simply taking on the beliefs of their parents, have what he calls the ‘design intuition’—that things that exhibit craft are the product of knowledge. Axe argues that we all begin with a design intuition, and shows how anyone can wield that intuition to be smarter than a Darwinist.

You may think I’m arguing from a religious perspective, but I’m not. It’s just that the design people have much better arguments. Rather than thinking that all religions are wrong, I think they are all, to an extent, right. Religions represent philosophy (theology) from a pre-scientific perspective. It’s not surprising that a lot of it is wrong—but it is amazing that so much of it is right.

I have a lot more to say on this topic, and hopefully I'll get to it sooner rather than later.


You said so much and yet you presented no evidence. Evolution is a fact. not a hypothesis. Intelligent design a hoax

Hopefully I'll get around to fleshing it out soon (I'll link here for your convenience!).

I assume you accept Bostrom's Simulation Hypothesis is not a hoax? I mean, it postulates design.

Evolution is fine as a word (I prefer 'niche filling'), but Darwinist Theory fails on one of it's three legs. Random mutation is not a strong enuff force to build anything.


ofcourse it is. read a book on evolution and you will undertand that..yet only read religious ones...

You sure know a lot about me!

I'll try to get after some posts on the issue. Maybe I can expand you mind?