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RE: If Darwinism is true, Atheists shouldnt preach!

in #atheism7 years ago

Yea, I would argue that Atheists don't really preach, at least not commonly.

We don't have to convince anyone of anything. The same way we don't have to convince people that 2+2 = 4.

Its all the people out there that are taking a more wild position (like 2+2=5) that have to preach, proselytize, persuade, and persecute to advertise their worldview.


watch the video bevore making absolute claims like 2+2= 4 -Stuff

Oh, I watched the video. Two people generating straw man after straw man and destroying their own feeble premises together does not a good argument make.

As for my absolute claims, non-belief is the default stance. Atheism is, and has to be, the starting point. As the one guy said, if one were to claim fairies exist, the default stance to take on that is one of non-belief. "Awesome, prove to me that your fairies exist. Set up a camera, a sensor, a fairy-trap and lets confirm that."

Same with all the deities and belief systems in the world. You are welcome to claim an Allah, or Zeus, or Loki and Ra. The logical default is one of non-belief to these claims until data can show otherwise.

If anything, I feel bad for the one guy. I hope he joined a moderate sect of Islam that doesn't punish apostasy when he eventually changes his mind.

Have a wonderful day!

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