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RE: Some Benefits of Being An Atheist

in #atheism9 years ago

Mirriam-Webster: Full Definition of atheist
: one who believes that there is no deity

Like I don't believe in Santa Claus either but I can't prove he doesn't or never existed.

I came of with a theory about why humans believe in gods. We are wired to look up to caregivers for a long time and are storytellers. We turned it into a story as adults and then into beliefs.

The Storytelling Animal


My 'theory' is that the climate transition between Ice Age and what we have now was SO catastropic that it caused trauma on the collective unconsciousness of mankind. Myths of 'a better time before (garden of eden)" and "the war of the gods (Ragnorok) and "the global flood (noah's ark) are the stories that were passed down over generations from that time. (it was a VERY difficult time to survive. Lots of siesmic activity due to Isostatic rebound and the sea level rose four hundred feet in a relatively short time. It might have rose VERY quickly at times if there were "melt pulses".

Possibly the "Sea People" were a people uprooted by the flood who became early day vikiings?

That's a very elaborate theory! :)

I think it fits the evidence.
Do you agree?