Amazing coincidence. I just did a post on religion too. Very well written. My favourite point which really stood out was:
Your holy book is proof for the existence of your God as much as Harry Potter is proof for magic. Fans and followers don’t make something true. Quite the contrary. Truth is rarely democratic.
So true. I also love the Ricky Gervais and Douglas Adams quotes because they really get to the heart of the point.
Yet I am amased how many dellusional people still believe...
The babelfish!!! Love Hitchhiker's Guide
I think fear of death is one of the primary motivators for the conscious belief. Deep down though I think many people know that it doesn't make sense.
this is why everysingle religious person cries at funerals. they know that most likely, they will never see that person again. if they believed in the afterlife they would be relaxed like most indigenous societies
I've been to several funerals lately and have found the opposite to be true.
Very true.